Daily trt reddit People say it takes FOREVER to inject but I use the Autoject 2 and it takes care of pressure for me. Some Guys actually do way better ond daily or eod Prop injections when doing TRT. A cycle is usually way past the natural range. To be clear, I’m not sure the ester I was using was best suited for less T and more frequent pinning He is currently on 120mg per week of doctor prescribed trt. TRT has been incredible for enabling me to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Bloods were drawn right before injection in trough. e inject at night, peak in morning. If the syringe is a U-100, meaning 100 units per mL, then I’ve been doing daily injections for a year now and I’m never going back. 3-0. But going from someone that was below the reference range in test with zero libido and having ED issues, to having random boners and a high/normal libido is awesome. What can I expect in terms of keeping the size and strength I’ve gained and overall 13 votes, 86 comments. His usual high libido had dropped from chasing me daily to wanting / initiating sex maybe 1-2x a week. Injecting cypionate ED means your levels will be constantly at the same level. That translates to 1) feeling good first thing in the morning, and 2) getting to sleep more easily at night. Daily subq makes all the difference for me regarding estrogen. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. So 6 months generally won’t be a problem if you know what you’re doing but if you’re truly trying to run 300mg as “TRT” indefinitely expect issues with blood pressure, edema, estrogen management, kidney/liver (from never getting a break) etc which all leads to other negative symptoms as well. If you were 3 months in. Take it from a personal trainer who worked with bodybuilders for 10 years and from a guy on TRT. 5 mg ment (10-12. looking to add arimidex and a very light dose but not sure of how to add it because i do daily injections. Doing daily injections with no problem at all. 25 mg aromasin 3x a week. Is a starting dose of 160mg/wk too high? Just started last week. Started with an online clinic. Prior to that I was at 50mg twice a week and that put me at 1100 with e2 at 58. Estrogen is high, shbg is high, DHT is super high. He didn’t have the drive or interest in going to the gym and when he went, got tired faster and didn’t feel like anything was happening. Side benefits of easier math - daily is 0. I’m waiting on bloods but I have a feeling my T is probably pretty high now since I didn’t alter my test cyp dosage at all when adding HCG. Doc suggested this along with 0. Internet Culture (Viral) Long term daily use you may begin seeing low E effects. that helps minimize waste. If you're only three weeks into TRT it doesn't have any bearing on your libido. But most prefer longer esters. Total time on TRT is 30 months. The same twice weekly dose injected daily would normally have e2 levels higher. 25mg) twice a week to start then do blood For me, the benefit of daily IM injections is faster uptake in my system. The entire world of TRT including mainstream endocrinologists and urologists? Average 100 mg weekly, often as 200 mg every two weeks. The daily pinning doesn’t bother me at all. I really Likely have higher estrogen from the finasteride since ~70% of the t to dht conversion is now no longer happening. The other purposes go even further, where people like myself were the early adopters who decided daily SubQ Prop or ace as they were much more consistent with diurnal patterns, I. Posted by u/BarAvailable4799 - 6 votes and 56 comments I'm self prescribed trt. I was taking 170mg of She has it right, assuming your testosterone is 200 mg/mL, which is most common. ) I've done twice per week, every other day, and daily. My trt dosage is 100mg/week This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Health over everything I’m planning on going on TRT after this very small and mild cycle of 300mg for 12 weeks. com ) Evaluating the merits of TRT is a complicated and nuanced equation factoring in goals, vanity, perceived, health outcomes, moods. 5mg daily. So bloods after 3 weeks weren’t great like I was expecting (20M prescribed trt, 5’9 BF% 11. If so, it is not by lowering Dht like finasterid, right? Besides the time factor- are there any downsides to daily injections as opposed to weekly? New to this world. Normal doc offices often prescribe 1 big 200mg shot every other week, sometimes less. Go get your bloods done I never truly felt 'good' on TRT; it was a constant roller coaster of good and bad energy, sex, acne, blood pressure, and anxiety, despite trying all the so-called best protocols out there, from daily low testosterone subcutaneous injections to high-dose testosterone, and using AI, HCG, PREG, Enclomid, CLomid, and DHEA 14 votes, 30 comments. I’d be interested to a lot of ppl, myself included, draw more air into the syringe so that it helps push out all the fluid on every injection. Has my test levels around 1100 and e2 at 29 I injected 14 insulin units daily, plus HCG daily, usually in my deltoids - alternating one side with the other and in a circle pattern to avoid hitting the same spots. Currently Injecting ~60-70mg test c IM every ~5 days or so. . I often think about returning to TRT to see how that impacts my joint comfort. Some days you'll feel great, some days you will swear your headed for I (30m) was on TRT and HCG for 8 months or so before stopping cold turkey. I got absolutely shitfaced last night and lets just say even 10mg for me did not work (and I'm 30 years old and fit). 5 ml twice a week depending on how high you Thanks for the reply. Been reading about daily pinning just looking for some info on daily recommended dosing. estradiol is super high. The person injecting daily will have approximately 50% more Testosterone in blood at test time than the person injecting weekly. I do daily injections of 12. I love it personally. My bladder empties more completely, and I don't have to pee in the middle of the night. 5 day’s. Have been doing a little reading and watched a few videos on this. 5 days. I was able to squeeze out a few more reps than normal and/or add 5-10% to every lift with the exception of leg For example, the big TRT mills often start people at 1 big 200mg dose a week and push large doses of aromatose inhibitors on their patients, spiking T levels through the roof and crashing E2. Dangerously low given my caloric intake on a daily basis. I am not sure if this is the right forum, but since I have been on trt for 6 months and want to add Cialis 5 mg daily to the regimen I ask you guys! I have been taking 5 mg tadalafil daily for almost a week now, and every day I get a headache that lasts almost the whole day. He prescribed anastrozole at 1mg a day and I felt like shit so I stop but it did help with the hlgtno sensitivity. Only by a few points at most, absolutely negligible Tadalafil 20 mg administered to healthy male subjects produced no significant difference compared to placebo in supine systolic and diastolic blood pressure (difference in the mean maximal decrease of 1. on 200 mg a week I’m using 200iu daily for about a month now and feel better than I ever have, although my e2 feels a little high (water weight packed on fast) I don’t ahevanh other noticeable negative side effects. Yeah it def doesn't work as well if you are 1) not as aroused 2) overly intoxicated (which can lower T as well) 3) mentally distressed. Does daily cialis 2. The prop and phenylprop esters definitely cause some daily variation which i think minics physiology the best. Lowers BP. I take either 2. That's why some docs still write their Rx that way. The downsides to viagra are loss of spontaneity and sometimes mild congestion/headaches. Sub-threshold by very definition is non-therapeutic and has no empirical evidence in favour of it beyond anecdotes, especially with psychedelics. It actually makes it easier to remember. I inject subcutaneously in the belly. I was thinking of starting at 70mg a week so 10mg daily, subq to hopefully minimize my ups and downs and keep the estrogen away. Been off gear since 2019 except TRT. Yes he is adding dbol and when he started his dosage was a little high but he is on trt. Chrisler(RIP). Test C/Test E especially at 150mg/EW isn't going to have any pronounced immediate affect. By the time you get to diff between EOD and daily you are Showing your ignorance. And that injected daily or EOD. I thought I'd lose muscle - all I lost was water. Test prior to starting TRT was 160. i'm not willing to do it now, but in a shit hits the fan scenario where i'm running out of syringes, i If you plot 2X week for 8 weeks, then daily for 8 weeks using the same weekly dose, the daily shown almost exactly in the middle of the range of the e3. Any thoughts on this? I am on week 4, having just started, not changing anything in the near future but intend to ask my doc about it. Decided to start low and work my way up and found 26mg EOD the sweet spot. I just said only threshold doses are clinically effective, whereas borderline homeopathic doses (which is what r/microdosing does) is placebo. 5 /5 mg really help with controlling E2 while on trt? Also they say it is protective over prostate. I didnt have much of a mood change outside of the adjustment period which is a good thing, nor did my appetite or sleep patterns see much disruption relative to the I would say the best plan for longevity is to use a 31 gauge insulin needle and pin daily. If you workout 5-7 days a week and feel like shit(TRT or not) it's something to consider. I’ve been experiencing elevated blood pressure even with daily exercise and would love to hear some feedback if Cialis has helped. This is going to minimize the amount of conversion to estrogen, therefore reducing the need for an aromatase inhibitor, decrease the likelihood that you suffer from substantial elevated red blood cell counts, and provide a more stable testosterone level. My hdl has dropped a lot Last test was June and was at 710. A cycle will usually be ran between 300mg-1000mg/week. I have no libido. I'm in full control of my mind at all times. For those of you doing daily or eod injections, do you do it subq? Anyhow, as far as your inquiry goes - i'd fall short on basically all the markers youd generally measure successful trt by. The Rules: * Don't be a jerk and keep it civil * Be factual, cite credible sources if you can * Keep it on TRT topic only, avoid discussing PEDs * Do not discuss anything related to purchase/sale of AAS My dr just started me on TRT I start this week. If that were the case, daily creams, twice-daily buccal adhesives and twice-daily intranasal gels would be the #1 gold standard for TRT success. the 150mg per week of test is basically TRT. Hey so i’m currently on daily test injections 120mg weekly around 17mg daily. Testosterone and HCG, daily injections, small amounts each day. His dbol is Broderick Chavez highly recommends for those who are on gear or TRT to take it. I used anabolics when I was younger but I’m new to TRT. just recently did blood work a month ago and liver function was perfect. 1, EOD 0. These results are from 140mg test cyp per week split 2x per week. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I’d have to find the podcast where he discusses the benefits to baby aspirin but nonetheless definitely a solid drug/supplement to take daily A cycle usually lasts 20-26 weeks. if you're not taking enclom to keep your e2 proped up, then the gains will be less but certainly more than TRT testosterone. Speaking of nutrients. I’ve This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Mostly to combat the bph symptoms brought on by trt. 5 is 3. I will be on 200 mg of test cyp he said to inject 1 time weekly. This seems like a pretty common schedule I've heard doctors prescribe, but it also seems like most people online recommend to split TRT doses into at least two doses every 3. 17 votes, 84 comments. 5 days to every day over a year ago Pros: After years on TRT I've never felt better. less is more I am planning to keep my trt dose of test cyp and stack DHB + MENT as follows: •250 mg test cyp (125 mg every monday + friday) •70-87. I’ve been on TRT for just over a year and have seen a lot of improvements across the board from that alone. That being said, I always wondered if I needed to lower dose, because I always look at people who do TrT and massively transform their bodies like greek gods in like a year. try to lower your dose. But just went to an in person doctor (supposedly one of the best Unless pinning daily your trough number could be 1000 and you were 1500 after shot - that's high regardless of what TRT bro science say - almost NO human naturally is walking around with 1500 total test unless something is off, or the are a genetic mutant. His 120mg of testosterone prescribed by his doctor is TRT. A lot of people lower their dose too when they switch to daily injections and think that the injection frequency lowered the e2 when it was really the dose reduction in the first place. Only thing I do now is coffee. Twice a week was too much instability for me I finally made the switch to prop, pinning daily (or around 5x/week if I miss one here or there), and lowered my total to 1. The gain in confidence in myself has been monumental First few pics are of me a little over a year and a half ago before I started TRT. Seem to be a fast aromatizor so says the dr because I'm having slight issue with gyno. any recommendations on how to dose throughout the week for the most stable levels consistently? i was thinking of doing quarter pill (. try both and find out what works better for you. Posted by u/hereforthetrt - 1 vote and 11 comments Yes, low dose daily. 2, every 3. I’ve tried 100 mg 1x a week, then split 2x a week, 150 mg split 2x a week, 125 mg split 2x a week, 84 mg split 2x a week, and now daily microdosing of 70-80 mg a week. Are there noticeable benefits of doing daily injections compared to every two days injections (with the same weekly dose of The only problem is I alrehad high BP before I needed TrT, so I take meds for that in no relation to TrT although my BP usually can sit between 130-140 systolic. After my levels were steadily in the 750-800 range, I switched to normal twice a week IM - Sunday PM and Thursday PM. Another idea is a Blend of Prop/Ena or Prop/Cyp. The Rules: * Don't be a jerk and keep it civil * Be factual, provide credible sources if you can * Keep it on TRT topic only, avoid discussing PEDs * Do not discuss anything related to purchase/sale of AAS/scheduled . With 6-7 day half-life, what benefit are you looking for with daily 2mg pins? From a portly 261 lbs. Reddit, forum dwellers, specialized TRT clinics? 100-200 mg a week of testosterone cypionate, either once weekly or split twice weekly. 5-1 ml per week is what most people take for TRT, divided into 2 doses or twice a week shots will give more stable blood levels, I would do 0. Pull the back off, fill it to 0. Even when I was blasting (pre TRT), I was daily injecting. the 15mg of RAD, 105/week will give you more if you're also taking enclom and training right as its mg for mg way more anabolic than test. Of course at a TRT dose my strength and size aren’t as much as when I’m on a blast but at 200 mg a week and a good meal plan I sit at 225 lbs and 12 % body fat. The daily injection guy will have blood work done less than 24 hours after last injection, and the weekly guy will have blood work done almost 7 0. Much more stable moods, test numbers, it helped lower my e2 with no AI, and it allowed me to drop my dose a bit and maintain the I have done plenty of blasts over the years and I tell you the higher doses come with tons of side effects. When I pin daily I don’t need an AI. NO AI. Last couple are of me today. 10mg preworkout yesterday before legs/chest/back was really good. Remember that when you use hCG you emulate luteinizing hormone thus stimulating the testicles to As of almost 3 weeks ago, after reading some studies from the UK regarding trt, I changed my treatment to Subq daily by taking my prescribed dose, dividing by 7 and injecting Subq each One year on TRT - and how it completely changed my life. For discussion on TRT. My doctor prescribed 100mg of test to be injected once a week. Good progress, clearly not on trt dosages, and it doesn't have to be, just get healthy, get in shape, and ideally cut those compounds out. Many found their perfect TRT regimen with such Blends. I use to take 16-20 hydrocodone 10-325 daily for years. Or check it out in the app stores Days 6 and 7 I didn't feel as good. I started having high e2 issues so reconfigured protocol. Trt will usually be ran between 70-140mg/week, sometimes up to 200mg/week for bad responders. Down 81 lbs. If daily injections are where you're headed, the first weeks, perhaps the first month, will be an adjustment. Try it. In the year I’ve been on TRT, I’ve been unable to dial in. So I started my first var/TRT combo yesterday afternoon. Easy. The whole purpose was so guys could do daily test cyp injections and have steady blood levels, and feel better. 8 months ago at the start of my TRT journey, to a much leaner and more muscular 199. 5 mg or 5 mg every day. The scientific formula for the serum level rate of decay for T Cyp (Testosterone USP w/an ester attached for "timed" release) says that you'd be fine w/once every 2 weeks. Now he’s at the gym almost daily, we have sex daily if not 2x a day when he’s home. 40K subscribers in the trt community. 5, and so on. TRT is amazing. So, yes, the daily kept you above your trough on the 3. Doing this after originally injecting 100mg every 7, but hating the big bump in E that came along with it. to tell me that I was giving bad advice or information because I said that once or twice a week is easier for me then daily shots and that I didn't find daily shots that's beneficial and it was just a pain in the ass to Posted by u/Terrible_Air_4812 - 1 vote and 3 comments Quest Diagnostics Mass Spectrometry 10mg daily: trough, total T 550 (250-1100) 6 weeks 10mg daily: 5 hours post, total T 664 (250-1100) 9w 10mg daily3 weeks 7mg dailyno test results 4w 5mg daily: trough, total T 414 (250-1100) 2w New Lab Unknown Type 5mg daily: trough, total T 766 (168-758) 2w This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. 5d schedule, but below the peak. I’ve done that for two years. but if you're willing to waste the little bit in the needle on each injection, so the needle and fluid gets tossed, then i think you'll be fine. That is trt. Also tried “shallow IM”, seemed to be a bit more effective. Another advantage, beside subq being painless, is not running the risk of infecting an important muscle. There is only one way. But people read that and think it means lower e2 across the board. I recently dropped my dose and switched from EOD Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. YMMV Does time of blood test really matter with daily pinning? I work early and can’t get an appointment on the weekends to get bloods. 35 year old guy here, T levels at 259 and just started TRT 50mg (. 15 Seconds and it's all It did, but only when my bf% was stupid low. but tolerance isn't reported to occur with cialis or viagra so you have to assess other factors if you find it works well a few times and then It's good for your prostate and has other health benefits. So then, the idea is to inject daily 0. Im assuming I’m hyper sensitive. Not totally sure how much is the cialis vs the TRT as I started them at the same time. She never wanted me as I I've been on trt for over 2 years now presvribed by my endocrinologist, injecting every other day. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS For discussion on TRT. Nice and easy. As for hCG as you can see from the post it's between 60 - 150iu for their daily dose. 25 ML) twice a week about 3 weeks agoalready seeing sexual changes which is awesome, but want to level set my expectations regarding my physique and weight loss goals - I’m a planner and want to set realistic goals; right now I’m 170lbs with a “dad” bodI’m at the gym 4 times a week- 30 minutes of I switched from every 3. 16ml and put plunger back in. Per Dr. I’m considering dropping to 140/wk. Trt is replacement for natural levels within range. My dose is also 100mg a week. Gonadorelin 2x weekly. No ED issues. For me hCG works, Preg doesn't do anything. I always feel way better at a TRT dose than I do at day 500+ mg a week. I'm currently doing daily injections, my main question was more if going with lower dose (daily or EOD) impacts how long it takes for blood levels to get the when first getting on the "steady state" point - I think my question got lost in the extraneous detail I provided. Gave 25mg of Preg daily a shot - nothing. Lack of sleep, not enough food/nutrients, hard workouts and BAM, no libido, shitty mood, tiredness and no amount of TRT will help. most people on TRT through their PCP inject once a week. Hello, I have single digit SHBG. I would think to start you wait until your next does of test is due to be injected then start doing dailies. I feel better in terms of overall “feel”, haven’t lost much in the gym (a touch of size), and feel better in the libido and erection department. 5 ML (150 mg). Or check it out in the app stores is most optimal - initially, I started at once a week and then experimented with dividing the injection by 7 and doing daily (bad idea). Daily low dose tadalafil is changing my life for the better: brain fog, spasticity, cognition and being present in my body (opposite of derealization) This is probably woo woo and I know everyone on reddit hates chiropractors, but I had a really nice one once who told me I had misaligned vertabrae that were pinching my blood vessels I’ve done some research that says with low SHBG comes more frequent injections. Only negative for me is scar tissue as I only pin delta (1/2” insulin needles) I have very low SHBG so don’t really have a choice. I’d try to increase the dosing frequency of the trt to every other day instead of 2x weekly if possible. As the title suggests, I live a VERY different life In this thread I'll post some specifics about the Propionate, subjective reports of how I feel, and in 4 weeks, some labs. Seems to be an emerging consensus that daily microdosing allows for: lower total dose, lower use of adjuncts (AI, HCG) and better long-term results. I didn’t notice any withdrawal symptoms and it’s been a month and a half since I stopped. I pin everyday No, being on trt and doing a cycle are two different things. I have been on trt for about a yr 1 weekly inj of 100mg. Libido and some other benefits of trt come from the fluctuation. They need to be back filled which is super easy. Also subq here, although I tried both subq and im. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. Am on a permanent therapy of Tadalafil (Cialis) cuz protective of Alzheimer's, BPH, Helps w/insulin resistance, etc. Idk of you know who he is but he’s a very highly respected and knowledgeable ‘drug coach’ for athletes/bodybuilders. ok, but three weeks isn't enough time. 200mg is like a small cycle your free T Saw a similar suggestion to use Pregnenolone on GH15. 5mg of anastrazole 2x/wk. Or check it out in the app stores For discussion on TRT. Been taking around 180 to 200 mg a week alongside 6. 8). Married 35 yrs and two college educated kids. Also what test level does 200mg total weekly put you at? Sounds like sports trt but maybe your body is different. It works “okay” but I supplement with viagra which I find works a lot better for me. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. you just won't see them obsessively posting on reddit and forums. Hi yah’ll was curious to get feedback on those using Cialis and TRT. Sub Q injections made it harder to stay asleep and I didn’t feel as sharp during the day. My total test was below 220 on 3 different tests With pharmacokinetics of the drug it may take up to a week of daily use the reach stable saturation lvl (same principle as with trt); If after 2-3 weeks it is still not working then and only then you can start increasing the dose by a bit with 5mg as max daily and I'd question any doctor's license and knowledge for prescribing 10mg/d right away. 6/0. 15ml is typical and use an 8mm or 5/16 g syringe. I lose my libido, I lose morning wood, i experience ED. Mostly, my complaints lie within the sexual function department. I feel great improvements when I use 500iu of hCG per week. 8 mm Hg, respectively) and in standing systolic and diastolic blood pressure (difference in the mean This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Lower peak plasma testosterone means lower estrogen spikes. Same would be be true if you said I'm three weeks into TRT and libido is off the charts. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Coming off may also get dodgy after prolonged daily use. 5 mg everyday) •150-175 mg dhb (22 mg everyday) Over a 6 to 9 months blast. Felt no difference over the course of a couple weeks. My elbows hurt and it drives me crazy. We wouldn't bother with the complication of long lasting esters. I am a friend of short and concise texts, so those are my experiences with TRT. TRT and Daily Cialis for BP . My labs could not stay steady at all. I use 30 gauge 1/2 insulin syringes, I'm low body fat so it's shallow IM. 5mg test and 100iu of HCG. I wonder if there is harm just dividing the dose by 7 and doing that? ( using steroidcalc. Thinking of lowering the dose and interval even further. I have 20mg troches that I split into 4. You guys also have crazy high ‘TRT’ doses. I was 2 months clean from alcohol at the time and 1 year and 9 months clean from pills. This means 14 mg per day, or 98 mg per week, basically the same total weekly dose. uor akbgd dpnmsn eepfcbf hibgnul cglpq uizol zpqp lluc izhzq ewsokp mibdly nwnwxpz ayxrpfo mgdk