Fallout 4 paint armor not working. BoS paint is +6 strength, same as Military paint.
Fallout 4 paint armor not working Extract to: \Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Actors\powerarmor. To show you what I am talking about Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. It say's it's CBBE compatible but when i go into the game and equip the tops specifically, the bra's bounce ALOT more then my breast's do, making the body clip through FYI, LOOT isn't really recommended for FO4 anymore. Higher ranks increase the This is what you want Temporary compatibility fix for AWKCR and creation club weapon paint job [rd. Redudancy: The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Does the Automatron T60 Armor still have Tesla coils? They have been removed and DESIGN YOUR ARMOR IN GAME! Allows Paint, Decal and Camo editing of Combat, Synth Armor and Vault Suits at any armor workbench. I've been working with Gambit to bring UCO into an AWKCR format and part of that work involves Gambit and Valdacil updating AWKCR to include the relevant tags for the color/decal swap system so that multiple mods can use it and not cause conflicts (the basic Rainbow Power Armor Job Bundle is piece of Fallout 4 Creation Club content. The parts that are not displayed vary, sometimes only a leg part or a leg and arm part are missing then an other time every part is missing. Hope this gets The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . For Power Armor to function it requires a Fusion Core as a source of power, which drains over time and actions that consume AP will increase the rate of depletion. I have a few other mods that are working. The largest Power Armor Overhaul for Fallout 4. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Online I can only find information on Power Armor paint schemes. © Valve Corporation. Is this bugged? Or is it certien armors that work with it? Did you just put them in, or also equipt the armor on the mannequin? Just putting it in it's inventory will NOT display it, oyu have to rpess another key once it#s transfered (the key will be shown at the bottom of the screen when you have the manequin inventory open) Yea it wasn't letting me place the armor over clothes. The military paint is a power armor paint scheme in Fallout 4. Reply reply Bethesda for Fallout 4 Zawinul for Horizon Bordraw for CPAO and BPAO - Captain's Power Armor Paint Pack 2: Remade the patch because the previous one got corrupted somehow - Fixed the PA INNR to work with the one included the How to Paint Power Armor Fallout 4: A Step-by-Step Guide. You are amazing at being wrong Yamato NCC 1701. esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I use both Vortex and Bethesda. Advanced Power Armor with 6 unique specializations, 100's of new power armor mods, new sound effects, Hotkeyed mod control with MCM Menu. esm 1 1 DLCRobot. ADMIN MOD Creation club armor (not PA) and gun paint not working on ps4 The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Menu. Oddly enough, my of Fully decked out X01 hotrod shark paint grants strength 2 on each piece. A paint job for every color under the Rainbow, and a few that aren't! Includes Chrome, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Yellow, Onyx, White, Pink and Tan Paint Jobs. Thank you. e. Chrome Blue Green Orange Purple Red Yellow Onyx White Pink Tan Craftable at an armor For all the paint jobs which require all pieces of armour to have matching paint in order to work, CUPAPP checks this by having the OMOD add 1 to the value of a certain actor value when it's applied. I cant tell if its working or not with the mod manager, so if it doesn’t I guess download it manually? The Fallout Network's Subreddit for the Bethesda game series Fallout . All BOS paint schemes are normally only available for the T-60 power armor (textures for the X-01 exist in the files but are not accessible). The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. My carry weight wearing regular NON POCKETED armor, with the Lone Wanderer perk (when I'm alone) as well as rank 2 in Strong Back is 450. The problem is, everyone else can see it but me. Finding all of those star cores across the park to open the cage made it feel like the most rewarding find in the game FALLOUT 4 – NEXT GEN UPDATE 2 NOTES my problem is when im at my power armor crafting station i can paint and mod all pieces of power armor . Download individual or bundle also not working not know what happen of beth server. esm 14 e WOTC. Share Add a Comment. At the armor workbench, the options for combat armor are different than the options for other vanilla armors. All games (3,377) Recently added (77) Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances; This mod adds a custom Tiger Brushed inspired paint job for the T51 Power Armor with Blue metal parts. Can Using the console command set PA_Global_Material_Institute to 1 will make the paint scheme available for use without doing any of the required quests. All rights reserved. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Find magazines, talk to people and get paint schemes. An example of this being Improvised Minuteman Paint (UCO). Put your armor into the armor rack and you'll have an option to apply the paint schemes that you have access to. I run the game with mods, but none of them should have an effect on the marine armor, because they just add new items, weapons and armor. (DONE !) Find how to add the Perception bonus when all parts are painted. It is a paint scheme with a blue and white base with the Sugar Bombs logo on the chest and shoulders. When wearing the armor go to your SPECIAL tab under stats and you should see it being applied there. actually it's listed on the tools to avoid page from the earlier mentioned midnight ride modding guide and I quote: " LOOT: The LOOT doesn't really have any idea about your mods and their inner structure - it just orders them based on tags in a masterlist managed by volunteers, meaning that it's impossible to account for How do I get the Quantum paint for T45/T51/T60? On collecting 20 star-cores you will unlock the ability to craft the paint automatically. When I start a new game, everything seems to be fine until I pick up a firearm for the first time in Vault 111. ADMIN MOD Power Armor Paint Doesn't Show Up . Not long before I had received the Hot Rod paint job from the Mad Cats mission and added it to my T60 suit, but after getting the X1 the option was not available. If you do not have all 4 armor paint jobs copy: FactionPaintDropsCore. Sorry. All games (3,332) Recently added (57) My games. Your #1 Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in between. Here’s my load It's definitely a mod conflict, there was another post with the same issue but on the left arm instead: https://www. I've come across a problem that I've never seen before. The only paint not available is Initiate, because they aren't supposed to wear Power Armor, but they have paint in the game for some reason. Includes a version with the original version of the Enclave's logo and a version with the Enclave's logo used by the AR2's X-01. but when i leave and fast travel bk and forth its back to its default pieces any1 else have this got rid of all power armor mods still does it Fallout 4 ; Discussion ; power armor paint mod problem Fallout 4. Knight-Sergeant paint is obtained by killing Knight-SGT Gavil in the same way. esp *MirelurkQueenVariants2 It is only the ones like lead plating or titanium coating that do not specifically say "with all pieces painted". So far none of them are increasing my stats. Also what is LOOT and what does it do. esp, Spec Ops Paint Job - Main. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Not getting Power armor paint job perks . Games. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online Also added a separate pallet file for the T51 armor. Having problem downloading part of the ultimate armor paint job. • Fixes the order in which power armor paint jobs are displayed while crafting. I go to Regarding the constantly disappearing robot in the final mission of the new DLC and the constantly resetting Settlement bugs, I am having trouble with the brotherhood of steel power This mod does 4 things: • Adds crafting requirements to power armor paint jobs that did not have them. Currently the minutemen paint tab is separate from the main paint tab but i plan on fixing that later. Guides, builds, News, events, and more. Is the X1 limited to certain paint jobs or am I doing something wrong or not in order? The Creation Club including those paint schemes also means that there's now a standard method for adding paint to armour as a modification, and all any new mod needs to do is create some paint textures and make use of the functionality that Bethesda added to Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. esm 254 FE 0 AllSetsExtended. Extract to: \Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Actors\powerarmor I cant tell if its working or not with the mod manager, so if it doesn't I guess download it manually? Gunners vs Minutemen power Armor Paint Jobs. It has with every modification the children of atom skin. esp *Skip New Game Intro. Ive seen many soldiers wearing BoS style painted armor and wondered how can I get that, or paint my legendary combat armor. Should black every base paint option. Everytime I try to customize my armor the armor bench says there are no armor pieces on this frame. I uninstalled the item sorting mod and it fixed it. I can equip them but they wont show up in the power armor crafting station. The BoS Power Armor automatically boosts STR because of the BoS paint, and the armor I took to the glowing Sea is BoS armor with one of the legs upgraded even further for boosting carry capacity. Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) was last Then park your T-60 power armor near a power armor stand, and you can modify it to include the paint. It's been a huge pain and I have no idea what's causing it or how to fix it. com] LOOT seems to want to put it at the bottom of the mod list, so try that. Does the Automatron T60 Armor still have Tesla coils? They have been removed and If you have have all 4 armor paint jobs you can use the all-in-one file. I usually dont have too many issues but just recently a new popped up. man fallout 4 should have had an option to paint your power armor red, reducing power consumption by 50% and increasing speed by 40%, also whenever your character will sprint with a weapon drawn he'll/she'll shout "WAAAAGH". Knight-Captain paint is obtained by pick pocketing it off Knight-Captain Larsen on the Far Harbor quest "Search and Destroy". Together they are worth 1100 credits. It can only be modded on the T-51 power armor by using a power armor station. ba2 from your Fallout Data folder. *Vault-Tec Power Armor by NewerMind43 & Captain-Ultima. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam Afaik you can apply the paint job to any model of power armor, no idea about modded/creation club ones though. Other armor sets have the same issue: just one or two limbs unpaintable. A paint scheme with a metal base and the Brotherhood of Steel logo on the chest. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. I have every piece painted. esm 5 5 Hi guys, late in my play through of Fallout, I decided to go and acquire the X1 power armor. Open Community · 2028 A paintjob for the Classic Advanced Power Armor stylized like the Enclave's X-01 from America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave. esl if you have the Brotherhood armor paints FactionPaintDropsMinutemen. zip and place the Spec Ops Paint Job. More Visual customization for armors! Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. Here’s my load order: Snap’n Build 2. OPTIONAL FILE: If you want all your base paints to be black, install the second file. While on the subject. esm By far the worst update Fallout 4 has received in some time. 2 Characteristics []. esm 10 a SimSettlements. esl to your Fallout 4 data directory. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Regarding the constantly disappearing robot in the final mission of the new DLC and the constantly resetting Settlement bugs, I am having trouble with the brotherhood of steel power armor paint job, since it does not give me any strength boost. If you haven't tried it yet, do 'Defend The Castle' with as many companions assigned to The Castle as possible Weapons Paint Job - Jack O'Lantern: Weapons Paint Job - Minutemen: Weapons Paint Job - Pickman: Weapons Paint Job - Railroad: Weapons Paint Job - Reilly's Rangers: Weapons Paint Job - Shi: Customize your weapons with new paint! Weapons Paint Job - Swamp Camo: Customize your weapons with new paint! Weapons Paint Job - Tunnel Snakes: Weapons The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . nexusmods. All games (3,497) Recently added (120) Marine Armor Paints Pack - Minutemen Paint- Neo Patch Required. When I equip a Power Armor (doesn't matter what type) and I zoom out I see that parts of the Power Armor are not displayed. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! in which the perk will just stop working, and never work again. Find how to add "Railroad" to the Armor part name when the paint is applied. Fallout 4 Hello. 5. Dear Fallout 4 players, Recently I have been encountering the following problem. I did some testing, reloading a save from before it failed, and the thing that seems to trigger the glitch is using VATS at the First of all, you'll have to forgive me if this is a pointlessly obvious solution to this. I've done little modding and for the most part stayed with the easy methods. I've looked everywhere I get the basic power armor stats but not the one I am painting the power armor for, for example Railroad painting should increase my perspection but it dosen't. Once the Fusion Core is drained the user will still be able to slowly walk in Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. I uninstalled and deleted my Fallout 4 game folder on PC. esl 9 9 Robot Home Defence. for Fallout fans from all walks of life. I just get the plain greenish One of the questions I've been asked the most on my Frank Horrigan build is what Power Armor paint I'm using and how to get it, so I decided it would be a go The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . What actually happened was the mod author made them dependant on Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource or AWKCR. com/r/fo4/comments/81wvef. FINALLY ! The Minutemen get the treatment they deserve and their logo can now ornate your Power Armor with no model restriction (the Minuteman paint is oddly restricted to the T45 armor in vanilla). From the first games that paved the way to the most recent, we are a subreddit for Fallout fans from all walks of life. Background. You might just need to update the I noticed that when I installed the mod above that when using a power armor frame it gave me the option for certain paint jobs. Adds Several new Paint options for Raider Armor with ModCol support so Raiders will spawn with Painted Armor. This mod comes in two flavors : The "Vanilla gray" version, made to match with the original Minuteman Paint for the T45 Power Armor. Out of these sets 19 are for all Power Armor, that’s 76 paints! Console modding permission This mod won't work on consoles or would not be acceptable on Bethesda. Fixed Nuclear Physicist Perk to work normally when not wearing Power When I got back and updated all my mods, Concealed Armor decided it didn't want to do as it says. UPDATE: It was the Legendary Effects mod that was causing this issue. Become General. When I go to the power armor station the categories for the paint/decals are there but they refuse to show up when The guns seem to be changed, but not the armor. • Adds loose mods to power armor paint jobs that did not have them. Power Armor is a multi-component armor unit, comprised of a base frame, with assorted armor pieces mounted on it. I just bought "Slocum Joe's Power Armor Paint from Minerva, learned it and it's not available in all my paints. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. (DONE !) Find how to add the proper amount of weight when the paint is applied (currently set to 1, should Extract the . Other armor sets have the same issue: just one or two limbs unpaintable. It is not downloading the faction skins, but has worked on the other non faction skins. Armor still shows, and no matter how many patches I try to find and install, it forces me to reinstall Armorsmith Extended. Painting power armor in Fallout 4 can be a fun and creative way to customize your character’s gear. Hey guys, so I'm Customizing my Power Armor with Paints, there is that which give you +1 Strength, Charisma. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online 17 votes, 64 comments. Sort by: Best. The paint job increases Strength by +1 if all armor pieces are painted with Strength-boosting paint. esm 13 d Servitron. Not so sure anymore haven't played Fallout 4 in a long time Pain Train is a Strength perk in Fallout 4. It can be modified and upgraded at the workbench, turning it into a The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Uninstallation: Delete the Spec Ops Paint Job. esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01. Do you know what I need to do to get it to show up with the BoS paint? I've tried spawning several pieces of combat armor, including BoS-named pieces, as well as modifying it at a workbench with the Armorsmith, but I can't find how to make the armor show up as the modded version. When applied to a power armor piece, it gains an olive base with a clean appearance, only having rust visible inside the helmet's air intake system and small amounts of dirt For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Issues with Creation Club content not showing up". I cant change the legs or heads on them. BoS paint is +6 strength, same as Military paint. I bought the X-02 from creatin club but it seems does not working appropriatly. esm 12 c TrueStormsFO4. Join BoS and follow their quest line to blind betrayal (for Paladin paint; there is also sentinel and a couple other misc ones, but the first is unobtainable unless you fully side with them while the rest must be looted from named BoS NPCs during Institute or railroad quests; the most comes from the Institute BoS destruction). Thee are installed and activated, I believe the load order is correct but for some reason it will not work. patches from awkcr but when I select the option to put the BOS I or II onto the T-60 armor it just displays the default armor paint. But Military paint is allowed to be used on X-01 armor, while BoS is not. Uninstalled the game + mods but vortex saved my save file. My mods: AWKCR - crafting workbenches disabler AWKCR - Paint System Simplified How do I get the Quantum paint for T45/T51/T60? On collecting 20 star-cores you will unlock the ability to craft the paint automatically. Extract to: \Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Actors\powerarmor I cant tell if its working or not with the mod manager, so if it doesn't I guess download it manually? Child of Atom themed power armor, 3 custom sets and a t45 paint job. Reply reply How do armor Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in between. Any idea what could be causing this? I have the same issue. I also tried this just now with the Hey guys. Copy only FactionPaintDropsAIO. Unique versions with custom rad enchantment added to the world and regular versions script-injected to vanilla CoA npc leveled list Ok my Marine armor doesn't change skins when i switch to the assault modification. As fail-safe paints, dyes and pigments still craftable for free at the chem workbench. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02. ba2 into your Fallout 4 Data folder. Teams. esp *Archimedes-II. Other mods seem to work compleatly fine example1, example2, example3. A compilation of my previous 6 Power Armor paint mods, this adds 6 different Power Armor paint jobs into one single archived package, to keep that precious load order count low. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; and the Shi armor paint jobs (with the free 100 point Bethesda gave away), but none of them are showing. I'm using xo1 armor I've picked up Fallout 4 again following the "Next Gen" update, but I've found that I'm unable to repair the new Enclave "Hellfire" Power Armour pieces. I sucessfully finished the quest and retrived it from the basement but I cannot customize my X-02 Armor I am very embreassed becasue it is an official mod. All games (3,481) Recently added (149) T 65 Power Armor - Gunner Paint; T 65 Power Armor - Gunner Paint. esp 8 8 ArmorKeywords. I get the basic power armor stats but not the one I am painting the power armor for, for example Railroad painting should increase my perspection but it dosen't. I go to the armor workbench as requested but I can't seem to find any option there to See title. The paint seems to disappear whenever i exit and reload the game, however as soon as i enter the armor or go into the crafting station it reappears. 99. net mods, and I am on PC. causing CC Armor skins to not work it Category:Fallout 4 power armor paint scheme images; Institute paint; M Military paint (Fallout 4) Minutemen paint; R Railroad paint; V Vault-Tec paint (Fallout 4) W Winterized coating (Fallout 4) Categories Categories: Fallout 4 power armor; Fallout 4 paint schemes; Also added a separate pallet file for the T51 armor. net according to their rules; Captain's Power Armor Paint Pack 2 - Traduzione Italiana: German Most can be. Games . Marine Armor Paints Pack - NEO Patch Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file; Repurposing the Vanilla Armor Material swaps for use with the CC Armor paint framework. I have added the correct lines to Fallout4Custom & Fallout4Prefs & I have tried this work around for the 1. The Enclave soldiers in my game also only spawn in wearing X-01 instead of X-02 or Hellfire armour as well. There's various different problems, and with such an extensive modlist it's expected but I don't know where the root lies. An enchantment attached to the armour pieces then checks that the total value of the AV is 6 before applying the magic effect that actually gives The Sugar Bombs paint job is a paint scheme in the Fallout 4 add-on Contraptions Workshop. esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03. T-45 and T-51 both display correctly showing insigia on left arm and BOS symbol on torso. Taking this perk grants bonus damage and a chance to stagger enemies when hitting them while sprinting in Power armor, although some enemy types are immune. Its called destroyer i think Combat armor, yeah I misread that. Base stat right I've recently bought the silver shroud skin for my Pip-Boy (that was a freebie) and the Shi armor paint jobs (with the free 100 point Bethesda gave away), but none of them are showing. Endorsements. All games (3,301) Recently added (41) Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances; Concealed Armor Updated Paint and AWKCR Patch - (Traduzione Italiana) Paint and decal workbenches removed from the crafting tab in the workshop menu. . In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of painting your power armor, from preparation to finishing touches. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Armor Keywords messes with the modding system and removes the slot that armor paint normally goes in. You'll need the Enclave Field Handbook from the Army Depot to craft this paint. There's no option to change the paint or conceal the piece entirely, and I believe Custom Combat Armors is supposed to give some more options 4 4 DLCworkshop02. (DONE !) Find how to lock access to the paint if the player has not joined the Railroad. THOSE work all on their own, at least. Question I'm currently trying to use the hotrod paint job but it's not giving me the agility point. • Removes the duplicate "Sugar Bombs" paint job The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . Mind you this only works on PC and if you are comfortable working with console commands and don't want to Adds a total of 27 fallout 76 inspired power armor paints in to the game. They should have their own paint category now when crafting Adv PA; Version 2. the Pieces that Give Strength is Working because I see it's Try disabling all mods and see if you still have the problem Chances are what ever is causing it has been updated to cater for the Hellfire armour Originally posted by Burger King: Im having a puzzling issue with my power armor. Ive never used it for fallout 4 or skyrim modding. Most people [FO4] Bullets not working . I ment COMBAT armor, not power armor. esm 3 3 DLCCoast. I made this patch so that Marine armor paints pack + Assault marine minutemen paintjob + New Equipment Overhaul (NEO) mods can have all functions working together flawlesly. Excavator, T51-C, Ultracite, Hellfire, X-02). esl if you have the Minutemen armor Fallout 4 close Clear game filter. Its not a verY big file at all. Any modded power armor (i. esl FactionPaintDropsBoS. 0 - Windowed walls texture fix. For a vanilla paint system come back, try AWKCR Power Armor Paint Edit by Jaymacibe. Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances; Much more colorful Raiders in your Fallout 4! 2K resolution Textures, 4K Texture Pack Coming Soon. The only differences between each paint job are the form of the rank insignia on the lower left arm, with the changes between knight-captain Fallout 4 Archived post. Fixed the master file issue thx to the latest FO4edit, didn't know there was a new version which support creation club :D, now only requires AWKCR and Flame Paint job as its masters (anyone of the three paint job will work since the 2 keywords added by this patch is merged in to the game's script, I added the Flame Paint Job as its master just The Enclave X-02 Power Armor brings the Enclave back to Fallout 4 and not only looks intimidating but also provides excellent protection, slightly shifting the balance in your favor. I reinstalled the game from there and the issues still persist. ba2 and Spec Ops Paint Job - Texture. Stopped playing modded Fallout 4 a year ago or so, and I was using the CC armor paints with it. HI! I recently bought the American Patriot paint for my power armor. From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here! Members Online. For some reason it does not show up as painted on my screen. Fixed issue with helmet headlight not working when wearing power armor. A surface to work on; A container to hold water; A cup to If mod authors keep doing stupid things like that then it's not worth it. I downloaded Armorsmith extended and awkcr a while back through bethesda ( Like i said, easy methods) but due to the limitations of the mods i have started going to nexus to grab ones only available As I understand it, SPECIAL bonuses from power armor paint jobs only apply when all pieces of the set are painted accordingly, and even then its just +1 for the whole set, not per piece. There's a patch for it somewhere on the nexus but if you're on Console I don't know if there A varity of mods that seem to add new texturs into the game example1, example2, example3 do not show the new textures however do show the option to select them int here relevent menues. Reply reply A lot of people complained that you didn't have to have power armor training in 4 to use it so it didn't feel as rewarding. 8. Mod load order: 0 0 Fallout4. reddit. Open comment sort options Also added a separate pallet file for the T51 armor. esm 11 b Arbitration - Resources. I downloaded the main file and then the jet pack styles, the style 3 version. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances; So I've been playing fallout 4 for a ling time and modding it. esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld. So the problem im having is I have all the power armor pieces painted with the same style and it says it should increase the specific stat according to a paint style. Mojave Brotherhood Classic FO1 T51 + BOS Hood Captain America Power Armor Talon Company Fallout 3 T45 + T51 Operation Anchorage Credits and distribution permission. ADMIN MOD [fo4] Vtaw's Wardrobe not working with CBBE? Fallout 4 Wondering what's going on. Members Online • black_kat_71. The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 .