How to enable code coverage in questasim This example shows how to run simulation and generate code coverage reports. See Also. Loading. Hello, I run code coverage using Questasim with the option "-cover sb" and after merging of all tests I get separate results for instances of one design module. Since the user’s RTL design does not define a state associated with that value, verification tools create a new state (say, xx) to ensure the object is in some state during the simulation run. CSS Error I'm running multiple UVM tests for a certain DUT, I want to collect coverage statistics for all these tests By running the following command I get a detailed report on coverage after running simulation coverage report -file report. Follow edited Feb 7, 2020 at 7:08. Enable code coverage (-coverage), 2. Can some1 help me how to merge and generate the coverage report. I don't need some of modules to be covered which this I can improve coverage report. txt) or read online for free. Code coverage is a testing option you can configure for your test plans. 2c for my current project. Thank you in Advance. doc / . vdb Questa : Hi. To produce a coverage database file on the exit of simulation 1) enable code coverage (-coverage), 2) the types of coverage to collect (via -voptargs=+cover= bcefst") if not using the three-step flow process, 3) and to produce a Code coverage is used to know that how much code simulation able to cover. If I remove the default assignment fsm_ns <= fsm_cs; and add an else branch in the IDLE state, I'll get full coverage. questa code coverage includes FEC condition coverage and FEC expression coverage,what is FEC ? In QuestaSIM, while merging the coverage a flag can be used for the same purpose. You will need to get the questa documentation to learn what TCL commands it supports and what the flow will be to compile and run simulations. e. Enabling Code Coverage adds some overhead to the editor and lowers the performance, so it is not Learn how to use the Wally processor and Questa sim to increase code coverage by modifying the Wally RTL. Watch Video. So after merged coverage report, while opening it in questa, again one flag can be used for getting that, which bins were hit by which tests. I want to enable code coverage for the dut top alone in my TB. You can make the changes mentioned below in Simulation options of CoSimulation Wizard tool. I downloaded and installed questasim started edition 2021. Code: vlog example. For more information, see the documentation on Coverage API. tcl script that tells questa what to do. Enable code coverage in your test plan. First compile and simulate your code using below mentioned script : Save the coverage report of the simulation in a UCDB file During this Digital Snack, we will present Code Coverage, identify which coverage statistics you want and explain how you can enable it. The latest simulator platform from Mentor Graphics is branded Questa. The diagram contains self-edges for the states: RUNNING and FINISH. This is really just an extension to Modelsim. pdf), Text File (. More Answers (0) Sign in to answer this question. Usually, verification engineers do this type of tracking manually or using some automation through Collecting Code Coverage with ModelSim 1. This is what you want if you have (or can get) a license for it. csv file? If not, then can the *. 2 on. I have functional coverage as a standalone uvm component which is included inside test_lib_pkg. functional coverage commands in questasim - Free download as Word Doc (. This example shows how to run simulation and gener Loading. sv vsim –voptargs=+acc –coverage mydesign Loading. CSS Error This means that it probably does not support classes, randomization, or the coverage features of SV. You will get code coverage in Questasim tool During cosimulation using this command. ucdb;. However I hate typing, is there a way to modify the TCL script or the modelsim. When you enable code coverage, the build system instructs the code to gather coverage data based on the frequency that it calls methods and functions. coveragexml file (which seems to be the only export option) be imported into excel in a way that i would get a table similar to the one in the Code Coverage Hi, I need help in getting the functional coverage for register model. Then Questa Increase Coverage is an automatic formal solution for achieving code coverage closure by reading code coverage results from simulation via the UCDB. Go to Edit > Preferences > General and check Enable Code Coverage. com/x/P This playlist is all about the introductory concepts of functional coverage with respect to System Verilog, with an examples of SV Test Bench as well as with To enable code coverage in Incisive, give -coverage all option to irun. Code coverage is a much-needed metric in most modern-day IP designs. In order to it you have to add "-cover bcst" in the VHDL, Verilog, System Code coverage is used to know that how much code simulation able to cover. sv. But I need to exclude code coverages of some modules that connect to the top module. The types of coverage to collect (via-voptargs=+cover= bcefst"). This will enable access to the interface for the code coverage data that Mono exposes. Wave with transaction coloring and biometric search. In the Coverage Report window, Select "Include Line Details" in addition to the defaults. Here some of commands listed to Learn how to use the Wally processor and Questa sim to increase code coverage by modifying the Wally RTL. 1 and the tool opens up and compiles and starts a simulation, Below manual is related to object window. You can also specify which type is required as follows -coverage block:fsm. Improve this question. You might try branch coverage for quick analysis, and then switch to FEC later towards the end of your testing. Thanks The choice of which one to use, or all of them, is based on the performance hit you are willing to take for code coverage analysis. Statement Coverage, Branch Coverage, etc) you want to collect during simulation from the “Coverage” How to enable Code Coverage . Questa has full support for SystemVerilog. To produce a coverage database file on the exit of simulation (do "coverage save -onexit coverage. This flag will keep an eye on each test's contribution to the coverage. Loading Just using -coverage u, should turn on dumping of functional coverage (did you also want code coverage?). I generated Register model package and covergroups for each register using the Register Assistant tool from Mentor Graphics. RTL debug. The ModelSim Altera edition software is licensed as a single language—either VHDL or Verilog HDL for each active subscription—and only supports Altera gate-level libraries. It helps teams to ensure that all RTL code written is indeed exercised and verified prior to Loading. the mux_int_test. Limitations of Code Coverage: Code coverage is an important indication for the verification engineer on how well the design code has been executed by the tests. 2 for quartus prime lite 21. As an addition to your answer: Using CMake, I had to add the following lines to CMakeLists. . In this webinar, you will learn that you can analyze & debug coverage issues with the help of design & waveform data available, finding uncovered items using code & functional a . 1. In the old days, Code Coverage was statement based only, today it’s more complete and we can collect How to generate the functional coverage using questasim?? what is the command should i have to give during the simulation and the post processing to get the coverage Here we tell vsim to 1. Continue the step1 and Step2 till the regression ends STEP3: Why does QuestaSim expect coverage for this branch? QuestaSim shows a false state diagram for my example FSM. docx), PDF File (. It provides a full set of synchronized views for analyzing waveforms, source code, and connectivity. Yes that helps Thank You. Categories I am trying to exclude certain vhdl files from my code coverage report, but I can't get it to work. CSS Error Meanwhile I find an another way to enable code coverage. Meanwhile I find an another way to enable code coverage. View full answer Coverage closure is a key step in any IP design verification project. V. testrunconfig file. By providing team based collaborative closure and sharing URLs, collaborative exclusions, and many more team-based features, it improves the understanding of the coverage model, supporting code coverage, functional coverage, and testplan I am trying to run a coverage regression using the NC tool from Cadence. I am able to dump the icc*. do file is passed to questa over the command line, it is a . But it does not know anything about After I already wrote a python script that creates and updates my own sqlite database after each run of tests from the coverage exported to a text file,I finally found out that there is a vcover merge command in questa sim that merges the coverage of all tests. What i can think such utility if available then no need to remember all syntax to write exclusion. Unomagan. 3. Here some of commands listed to generated code coverage by using different simulators. Small code snippet for single register covergroup as shown below: Class register0_reg extends uvm_reg; `uvm_object_utils(register0_reg); rand uvm_reg_field port; Using Code Coverage Enable Code Coverage. CSS Error The typical VS search will not allow you to search within the Code Coverage Results window; Can the Code Coverage Results be exported to excel, or as a *. These edges do not exist nor can they be covered. The workshop will introduce QuestaSim and cover its advanced debugging features in Module 1 and 2. and failure states are easily identified. A Notepad window will open with a code coverage report listing the number of hits from the run for each executable line of code. I am running the tests using the VIPP OVM using irun. ucdb) 4. the testbench is Hi @213474exiganlzz (Member) . Link:- https://edaplayground. How can I add this scoreboard to the covdut option in NCSIM arguments? The scoreboard contains covergroups. In order to it you have to add "-cover bcst" in the VHDL, Verilog, System Verilog compile statements of the file Table of Contents 6 Questa® SIM Command Reference Manual, v2024. Is turn off and on the object window resolve the issue? Close it and go to view click object to on the window and see if it reflect any data objects A: Questa Increase Coverage expedites the pace of achieving comprehensive code coverage closure through automated exhaustive coverage analysis. ×Sorry to interrupt. Select "OK". For example, COMPILE_ARGS=+cover , SIM_ARGS=-coverage . Preview Chapter Purpose and Benefits of Code Coverage. My workflow is as follows: in Modelsim I compile the files manually (in the GUI) with the Code Coverage option. You can add the Code Coverage in the Questasim simulation to observe wich portion of the code you are not stimuling. vcover merge -testassociated . My report always shows all available files. ucd) at the end of the test, and you use a separate analysis tool, IMC, to analyse the coverage and generate reports (text, CSV The document provides an agenda for a QuestaSim workshop that covers advanced debugging features, code coverage, assertion based verification, and advanced Questa support. I did check on Altera website. There is an option in the testrunconfig file that is for code coverage, but when running a TFS build there is no code coverage results. In reply to dave This video is all about how to use EDA Playground(A freely available online simulator), for generating a coverage report. I dont know how to include this file for Verification of complex SoCs (System on Chip) require tracking of all low level data (i. Sign in to comment. txt to get the right compiler and linker flags when building the tests: SET(GCC_COVERAGE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") SET(GCC_COVERAGE_LINK_FLAGS "-lgcov") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS I tried with code generator, without, enable code coverage variable or disable, tried with report generator and without azure; azure-devops; devops; Share. Elbosily January 1, 2015, 8:18am 6. With Questa-Sim, user can track the functional coverage report with respect to section of the specification. Regression results, Functional and Code coverage). Thank you again. asked Feb 6, . txt -byfile -detail -all -dump -fecanalysis -metricanalysis -option -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll If you are using the makefiles, pass the appropriate coverage flags to COMPILE_ARGS and SIM_ARGS. I can see RTL coverage, but functional coverage in the scoreboard is missing. Add following with compile command VCS : -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert -cm_dir $(PHY_SIM_LOG). vsmdi). Set up your working library as usual. Before you compile your design, e. v testbench from the previous exercise, you must enable the respective source code coverage options (e. 2 add dataflow From the Modelsim Main window menu, choose Tools > Coverage > Reports The Coverage Report window will open. dll mask and NOT using Test Lists (. More. I can't comment on Mentor's flow, but with Xcelium the normal flow is for the simulator to dump a binary file (*. While writing the Single End of Search Dialog. Module 3 will cover code coverage introduction and Module 4 will cover assertion based I have tried that new feature in Mentor Questasim simulator. The code coverage option can collect data to report on tests of correctness and of I need to know how to turn on Code Coverage when running TFS builds on a solution with a . Also, I am able to open the coverage of each test using the IMC gui and not ICCR. ucd. To activate that feature in a systemverilog file/class you need to: Example : vlog +cover my_design. The advantage of enabling Code Coverage. Categories vsim coverage Hi, ModelSim Altera is not the same as ModelSim PE or SE version. sv vopt +acc=a top -o dbgver vsim -assertdebug dbgver atv log -enable /top run 500 view assertion . Reactions: shahsanket24. Since assertions can have multiple threads in concurrent evaluation,Questasim includes an innovative Assertion Thread Viewer, which graphically shows the Coverage Analyzer accelerates coverage closure by applying analytics to the coverage closure problem. The below post has a brief overview/tutorial on how to use xcrg to generate code coverage from Linux/Windows environment This video is all about how to simulate and see the waveform of the RTL with TB code in Questasim. ini to turn off optimization so I can just do on the top menu Simulate-> Start Simulation-><test bench> . Now for code coverage closer, i need to write manually exclusion,so i want to know that in questa do we have any utility which will take code given by me and as a output i will get exclusion file. #waveform #questasim #vlsi #simulation #semiconductor #svhd Code Coverage Explore how code coverage data is collected and analyzed in QuestaSim. They have implemented SV (systemverilog) class code coverage from Modelsim/Questa 10. g. This solution minimizes the exertion required for coverage closure, resulting in enhanced predictability in project timelines and heightened design quality. I see some weird scenario while generating Coverage report on QuestaSim. It is generated from simulation tool with extra arguments given. Is there any way to merge coverage results of that instances into one design unit-based result? In verification, code coverage and functional coverage are a very important part and without it verification cannot be closed. The types of coverage to collect (via -voptargs=+cover= bcefst"). × Purpose and Benefits of Code Coverage When the power goes down in the low-power version of the FSM logic, the value of the state becomes 2’hx. Functional coverage in SystemVerilog allows designers to measure the percentage of I run a code coverage on questasim and I got ucdb file as output. To generate a detailed function coverage report: 1. Hope your query has been answered in below post and you were able to use code & functional coverage . But, when it comes to merge IMC doesn't support the gui mode merge. I was able to achieve this by passing the below options in my script-coverage -voptargs=“+cover=bcfst” -do "coverage save -du DUT_TOP-onexit gpex. I am running my tests using the *Tests. Hi, I am using questasim 10. jqoh rpjk ekvu hnibfr dslu zrmzk capvc fyvaj bpauym ngtsg aovp xnatl yllmh fgnz kfbqv