Wisdom teeth removal 35 reddit. Can't wait! I wasn't quite 25, but I was really close.

Wisdom teeth removal 35 reddit :) I had a lot of anxiety and fear before my appointment date. My bottom left tooth was completely sideways, if that helps visualize what was going on in my mouth. I was sent to an oral surgeon. I am getting mine taken out under local, I am wondering how long to expect the surgery to take. Since getting them removed I've been following all the recommended steps for aftercare, they didn't give me a syringe for cleaning so I had to pick one up yesterday. Ayon, upper wisdom teeth are extracted kahit hindi impacted kasi there will be no opposing tooth na. I had all 4 taken out at once, plus another tooth from an old root canal that didn't get crowned and eventually like, fell apart I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once under full anesthesia due to the significance of the impaction, and they accidentally fractured my jaw during the removal due to the difficulty of extracting my teeth, so my recovery was significantly longer than expected and I couldn't have any solid food for at least a few weeks. Reply reply Saying that around 80% of the time we get wisdom teeth removed it’s outsourced to civilians off base. I know you might feel scared and worried, but I can assure you that you will be okay. I will be taking my gf to get her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and im wondering what i can do to better take care of her after the surgery. Now if you’re going for braces in the future and they say to pull your 2nd molars, absolutely decline. All 4, only with local numbing. I’ll gain it back since I’m starting to gradually eat better and more solid foods. i’m about 3 weeks out from having mine removed(25F, very difficult removal hi, i (18) had all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed last tuesday (august 17) so im on day 6/7 of recovery depending on how you count it, on day 3 i left the house to see a friend for a few hours and it was EXHAUSTING and due to the prescribed painkillers they gave me i was also super out of it (days 3-5 were the worse for me, i was super I've read conflicting advice about wisdom tooth removal. Probably due to genetics or evolution but I didnt grow any upper wisdom teeth so I only had two wisdom teeth removed on my lower jaw . At some point I gotta get the other two removed but apparently these two are more We did the wisdom teeth surgery way before I was ready for surgery with the orthodontic stuff so it didn't delay the surgery. Healthy teeth and gums usually have a 1-2 mm pocket. Brushing was hard because I wanted to avoid brushing up against the open sockets, as well as a filling from my top left molar was knocked out during extraction. I started to feel my right cheek slightly swollen on Friday and had this weird taste in my mouth like a blood taste but no blood when I spit. Hey, you can brush your teeth but you need to gently (and I mean GENTLY) expel the fluid from your mouth, or let it fall out. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 19. I didnt notice any significant face changes. Would have costed me about 350€ euros but thankfully German Healthcare pays for that. Unfortunately they all have cavities and are crowding the rest of my teeth, making flossing next to impossible. I'm taking until saturday off, but I work in food service that involves heavy lifting, standing on your feet for 8 hours, talking to customers, etc. When i am faced with a potentially unpleasant experience i think about something i can do when it's over. I don't know what is with Americans and getting general anaesthetic for literally anything, but the experience of a wisdom teeth removal sucks. It was my first time on the laughing gas, I tell you what, I would have let that doctor pull every tooth out my head on that stuff, holy hell. ). Hmm, that reminds me I've seen videos of kids who had their wisdom teeth (tooth) removed. I think where I went wrong was trying to eat somewhat solid food on day three. Almost like the sensation when you burn your tongue with hot… I just got my 4 wisdome teeth removed today, and I seriously can't wait to eat great meals! I am definitely craving a good bruger and fires, guac and chips, a pizza with every topping, chicken soup with cous cous, fried chicken with plantain chips, fried shrimp. I just had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago. My wisdom teeth were pushing my other teeth out of alignment and causing me pain. I was extremely worried about situations such as dry socket, infection, appearance, and overall healing. I'm worried sick; everyone I've spoken too has only told me horror stories or emphasized how terrible the process/recovery is going to be. For reference, I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, both bottom ones impacted and the top ones were extremely high up. Since they weren't impacted, my family didn't get them removed when I was younger. I have tmj, and 2 of my wisdom teeth both on the left side were removed about 10 yrs ago which (the disc displacement without reduction is also on the left). I chose to be knocked out. Had my top wisdom teeth removed earlier this year. On anything. 11K subscribers in the wisdomteeth community. I did NOTHING different in advance to “prepare” to have them removed besides get items I would need for afterwards and tidy my room. Apr 22, 2013 · My dentist measured pockets between the gum and all 4 wisdom teeth to be a full 1 cm or more deep. Not because I was worried about the surgery (I trust my dentist) but because I was dreading the aftercare. It's not impossible for a young man to lose their hearing suddenly. It'll tell you exactly what they're charging you for. And even then, make sure you have insurance that covers you for wisdom teeth removal as some insurers offer dental cover that specifically excludes wisdom teeth removal. I just got my wisdom teeth out and my bleeding stopped around the third day, I ate regardless of the blood because the ice cream is supposed to help any swelling in your mouth! Reply reply GodHandMemberVoid In the end, I’ve learned that getting your wisdom teeth removed isn’t that bad as it seems. I was just excited to have teeth that didn't hurt anymore. My old dentist said na you can just wait it out, although ofc always case to case. I’m a 6’5 Male who used to weigh a little over 170 and now I’m a little below 150. I got my claim back, and they covered one tooth and the anesthetic, but said that the removal of the other two teeth fell under "ineligible dental services". 5 hours, but that part of that will be checking in and getting things ready. I was 100% conscious and aware during the 1. Not a dentist but I did get four wisdom teeth out about two weeks ago. Every time I go to the dentist, he tells me I should get my wisdom teeth removed. As the title says I got my wisdom teeth removed 6 days ago (1/4). Don’t stress about it too much, try opening your jaw as far as you can, hold for ten seconds and relax until you’re ready to try again. I lost some hearing after having my wisdom teeth removed (or at least, my theory is that the loss is related to a botched wisdom teeth removal), but I'd be surprised if your wisdom teeth simply existing had anything to do with your hearing loss. makes a lot of sense now i see this post, i developed anxiety because i felt like i’m ugly compared to guys when i go out but now looking at this post i thought i was the only one. For some context, I am 35 years old. My wisdom teeth have never hurt or caused me any problems. Because those teeth do cause your lips to cave in and can enhance chances for sleep apnea. I couldn’t fully open my jaw for a couple of weeks after. I got my wisdom teeth removed today. Getting your wisdom teeth removed has a purpose for you. When I had my wisdom teeth out, I remember particularly that carrots and bread got stuck in the empty holes. Some people suggest leaving wisdom teeth that aren't causing pain or issues alone, while others recommend having all four removed at once to avoid potential future problems and to complete the process in a single procedure. Just remember to follow their rules about not eating and drinking anything, even water. My problem is, a week after surgery, it is still very uncomfortable to wear a mask. My anxiety has been very bad since finding out I need this surgery and I honestly have panic attacks just thinking about it. That was until I was almost 35, then they both… No, wisdom teeth removal doesn’t change your face except for the swelling afterwards. I had recently gotten my wisdom teeth out and wanted to share my experience here. I can deal with the post op pain but I'm really struggling with the fact that I'm incredibly hungry and becoming depressed? I constantly feel weak and have a permaheadache from what I'm assuming is due to the fact that I'm barely eating. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed a month ago because my dentist "needed" them removed to start invisalign treatment (I'm 16 years old now) and recently just found out that I also had 2 premolars removed from my top row of teeth (1 from each side) when I was around 11 years old because I was getting braces and my canines at the time were really I literally followed all the right rules and still got a dry socket. if not, I would suggest you just save the money, unless your wisdom teeth are coming in wrong or are causing you discomfort. 5 hour process. Trying to game plan the recovery. Anything about wisdom teeth! Hello to whoever is reading I hope this treats you well and gives you some information! 💌 I am currently 18 and few months back I was notified that it was time to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom tooth extraction/removal can be tricky with insurance. 31 and pulled my wisdom teeth last Friday. My dentist was not skilled in removing wisdom teeth, struggled in removing my three wisdom teeth (although it was done), refused to remove my last tooth, and referred me to a surgeon. Straws, joints, bongs, people's body parts. Sure, another day of downtime would have been nice, but it worked out fine to not be on pain meds the day of my drive and then attend classes the next day. there are simple solutions to make the jaw bones grow larger, but many orthodontists dont know about these. It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve gotten all 4 wisdom teeth removed and it’s Monday 4am I’m up typing this. Mine erupted horizontally, so it was impacted. When I mentioned to the doctor that I smoke and did so the night before they didn’t have any concerns. I didn’t have much pain. Hey y’all! I’m 24f and I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed this morning at 10am. I have nearly extreme anxiety, especially with something like this (that constitutes a surgery). Whole appointment took thirty minutes, with the actual removal of each tooth taking about 30 seconds with local anaesthetic. I'm torn between these two approaches. I only had 3 and both on the bottom were impacted. My upper two wisdom teeth are positioned directly above my second molar. your last part about being anxious until you weren’t has really helped ease my mind to know what I’m feeling is natural Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I got a tooth extracted 2. Is removing your wisdom teeth in your 30s worth the risk if I don't have any discomfort? Apologies in advance for not knowing the correct terminology and not having a picture, I'll explain as best as I can. Anyone have experience with both? People who got their wisdom teeth taken out, what has been your best drink to drink after your surgery/extraction? (And even days or weeks after) I am currently on day 4 of post surgery, and I have been getting better. Wisdom teeth recovery is super short as well so it probably won't cause problems The top ones heal easier. i lot of people told me i was going to be in immense amount of pain, that i was going to be swollen for weeks, don’t do this and that and blah blah blah. 6 to $150 . He always shows "scary" X-rays, but I ignore him every time because I'm pretty sure he's lying. I have two of mine removed but it's because they made me problems when they were grown - they scratched the inside of my cheek and had chopped off a bit. The whole process was quick and easy and I didn't have any major complications. Dec 27, 2024 · I am 35 year old male and I have had a few consults. I will really appreciate your suggestions. I tried that and it got stuck on some of my stitches and it was hell. hi all, for what it’s worth (maybe someone will be curious about local anesthesia only for wisdom tooth removal), i just wanted to share my experience today after getting my two fully erupted bottom wisdom teeth removed. I got 4 wisdom teeth removed and 2 infected molars which they put bone graft in so that I can get implants later. Especially since I was told it would probably take an hour at most. Aug 13, 2014 · Has anyone had their wisdom teeth removed past the age of 30? If so, what was the recovery period like and how long did it take for you to feel more or less "normal" again? I've always been told the teens and 20s are the best time to get them removed and that the procedure and recovery tend to be more difficult in the 30s and beyond. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 18 years old and it was honestly the best experience of my life. I got a wisdom tooth removed exactly one week ago and for the past couple of days I have been having this weird, disgusting taste in my mouth coming from where the tooth was removed. For what it's worth, I've always heard that the older you are, the more wisdom teeth removal sucks, but I didn't get mine at all until I was 28. I don’t even recall when the last time I had to get my teeth extracted was. So far so good, the procedure was quick, 40 mins that includes sedation. However both of them are healthy and fully erupted. I'm someone who suffers from severe anxiety triggered by anything health-related and I'm freaking out because I feel like I'm going to either bleed out or get an infection that Not necessarily, my mom had her wisdom teeth removed 35 years ago and she still has tingling and numbness where they damaged the nerve, and she can feel pressure there. I would recommend doing the same, it doesn't matter when you get wisdom teeth out as long as it's done before your ready for jaw surgery. That being said, i never got mine removed, but they didn't come in with any problems. Where I’m from, they only perform the extraction with local anesthesia so I’ll be awake during the whole thing. The office said 1 - 1. There’s probably food inside of the socket! I had this terrible, acrid taste in my mouth and this foul smell. Alveolar bone, the kind that is lost when other teeth are extracted, doesn't play a role in wisdom teeth removal because of their proximity to the ramus (vertical part of the lower jaw) means that the bone in that area is maintained even after extraction due to the pull of the masticatory muscles. Whatever you do, don't suck. Yeah I lost 28 pounds in the two weeks after my wisdom teeth removal. I was also warned about nerve damage if the root is wrapped around the nerve but the surgeon did another type of X-ray to be sure so don’t worry just trust the professionals! I hope that removing my two bottom wisdom teeth makes the pain go away. This isn't the case for everyone. This is the 2nd day without bleeding since I was chewing on the other side of my mouth and being more cautious and careful with brushing my teeth. An UBC prof works there, and she did the removal for me. Definitely get it removed first! My boyfriend had the same issue and was told by his Ortho that he didn't need to get wisdom teeth removed6+ months into treatment he wound up needing an emergency extraction because his wisdom teeth got infected from other teeth moving and pushing into them. i currently have braces and getting one teeth implants at the back on my bottom teeth This subreddit is for people having gallbladder trouble, preparing for gallbladder removal, have had surgery, discuss diet or a place to discuss managing gallbladder disease symptoms. The worst part of it for me was how long it took, it kinda felt never ending. Then today I noticed my jawline has the same pain, but a little worse. She cleaned and treated them, but the pockets still remained at half a cm or more after a month. My wisdom teeth grew out perfectly and I was never told I needed to extract them until my 30's when my dentist said that because they were set to far back and were hard to clean I was going to end up with cavities and that extracting them was the best solution. it still has only been about 10 hours since surgery, so i can’t comment much on the healing process (although, it seems to be going well. As the title suggests I‘ve got wisdom teeth removal surgery coming up, so now I‘m looking for dishes that I could make during the healing process, because the suggestions I‘ve found online so far are subpar at best, like soup in general (which is fine for a day or two at most) or oatmeal which is also more of a let’s-do-this-once-every-few-years thing. You won't be chewing properly for a week or two at least. They will supraerupt and you might bite the gums on the lower. Not gonna lie it hurt and there was a bit of blood but the dentist is a professional. All four of the teeth were removed and for the most part my recovery has been pretty normal. Got two out a few days ago. If you have dental coverage, maybe get them removed. Totally normal. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth (and 2 bicuspids) removed during a semester of college. 10/10 would not do again. I’m so scared to eat. but honestly keep your tongue kind of pushed towards your front teeth, and you won’t do it if you’re prone to. All I remember about that time was being zoned out in my room with the sun shining through my yellow curtains so the room just felt so warm, and just dazed staring at the ceiling. Everything I am reading online says you should not take these 2 medications together. I think the recovery process was more uncomfortable than the wisdom teeth removal itself. I had 3 wisdom teeth (erupted, not impacted) removed by an oral surgeon and my medical insurance ended up paying. Based on the information in recent helpful threads, I found out I was able to submit the portion not covered by Canada Life for wisdom teeth removal via oral surgery to Sunlife. The key is to not be aggressive while the blood clot is forming at the site of the extraction, no straws or aggressive spitting. So much that I would shake and cry. Day 2 post wisdom teeth removal + upper left molar. However, I did lose some weight during the recovery process. I’m 5 days in and still only eating liquids- not even chunky soup. i had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed about a week ago. They haven’t caused me any problems. I am incredibly anxious about having food stuck in my holes. Even with decent insurance at the time (I was 16, now 22) and 4 impacted wisdom teeth, it was still $1700. it scared me a lot and i did a whole lot of reading and research and i realized that wisdom teeth recovery is not black and white and it really varies on the person as to how recovery I'm also glad that I've had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed already (planning to keep the 2 upper molars since they erupted properly) while the 2 lower is impacted and the other, partially erupted. 19 votes, 15 comments. You need to find the oral surgeon you're going to use and talk to their billing office. The only thing covered by your health insurance 100% is the cost of your surgery. I had two bottom impacted wisdom teeth but dentist recommended that I get all 4 extracted so I did. The doctor mentioned it would not be healthy to keep them in. My other ex-dentist said naman it's necessary daw 🧐. I'll be 35 next month and my 4th wisdom tooth just broke through the gumline last week. My other three wisdom teeth are also very badly placed or impacted, but it's very urgent I get this one out specifically since it's been bothering me since December. I'm incredibly glad and relieved I had all 4 removed and will not do anything like that again. While in the US it seems every teenager has their wisdom teeth removed, and I have heard this is due to a combination of confirmation bias (dentists see problem wisdom teeth so they assume all wisdom teeth are problems), historical precedent, and simple greed. I am 35 and just had the rest of my wisdom teeth removed. Can't wait! I wasn't quite 25, but I was really close. 5 weeks ago & I’m 35 No pain during and after wisdom teeth removal You can call them or visit their office again and ask for a complete price breakdown for you to look at. 10/10 would get wisdom teeth removed again So, in 12 hours I'm having an operation to get 3 wisdom teeth removed, going under general anesthetic in the hospital. I'm interested to know what your experiences with wisdom teeth removal have been. I’d say it’s a myth. I think I lost 2-3 kgs ? Back like 10 years ago, my brother got all 4 wisdom teeth out and was eating steak like 2 days later. Are there any known risks for having upper wisdom teeth located directly above the second molar? Three weeks ago I got all 4 wisdom teeth extracted with only local anesthesia. I heard n the UK they recommend against removing wisdom teeth unless they are causing problems that can’t be remedied in easier ways. This subreddit is for EVERYONE that includes people who are also trying to keep their gallbladder and do not want surgery. 3 were completely bony impacted and 1 was partially bony impacted. I've been playing it safe, but I've had snack pack gels (basically jello without gelatin), instant mashed potatoes with a lot of almond milk, smoothies (using pitted fruits/melons/bananas only - bananas have seeds but they're not problem causers like berry seeds), applesauce, soylent (meal replacement shakes - the strawberry ones are good but now I'd be happy never having another one in my Get some soup and other soft food ready before the removal or get your parents to do that for you. Don’t swish it in your mouth, simply just tilt your head side to side. And it saved the army more now than to wait and let your mouth get messed up. However, for 4 wisdom teeth that are close to the nerve, that sounds about average. I had the procedure on a Tuesday and drove back to school on Thursday. it is just a harmful solution for the problem of teeth crowding. Went back to the oral surgeon post op day 5 and they irrigated out tons of food - I went home and irrigated out even more - bread, pasta, eggs lmao it was the grossest thing in the world but I feel so much better and no more bad breath. Just had my wisdom teeth removed a few months ago and am 35. I’m concerned for his health and want to urge him to get his wisdom teeth extracted, but I’ve never had to have my wisdom teeth extracted, and everyone I know that has done the procedure are my age. Hi I have to get both my lower wisdom teeth removed next month with only local anesthesia. I was so worked up I was shaking last night and this morning and was nauseous. Day 1 and 2 had minor… There are patients na pati second molars binunot na kasi hindi na kaya i-save via root canal. I'm nearly 30 now and I have all 32 of my teeth fully in, and I can't help but feel sorry for all you fools who fell for the scam. If you can handle it, there are fewer side effects from local anesthetic, it’s less expensive, and the recovery is shorter. I turn 27 this year. Even in Canada, my dentist wouldn’t touch them and said I had to go to an oral surgeon. The dentist at I-Dentist did a really great removal. Basically, there’s a whole lot to weigh up. What was ur experience with a complicated and impacted wisdom tooth removal in ur thirties or older? Bottom wisdom teeth left/right crowns broke and under gumline. I got all 4 of mine out also like 10 years ago (few months after him), and also did not use any pain killers other than ibuprofen, but I wasn't quite as chill as my bro. Unless of course you're into that kind of shit. Honestly, I did it without even going under for any of the surgeries, and just did local anesthetic and it was fine. You will be ok. Don't suck. Can't really afford to take anymore time off, I am supposed to get my top 2 wisdom teeth removed this Thursday and I am 1. Feels sore, almost bruised. Jul 19, 2024 · A lot of dentists don’t have a lot extended knowledge on wisdom teeth and typically don’t view it as their problem. It felt great to have my source of pain yanked out. I had never had anything other than a routine dental cleaning so I was pretty anxious about it. I’m 35 years old and have two bottom wisdom teeth that are impacted. I went into surgery completely clueless about what to expect and came out feeling like a brand new person. Wisdom teeth though, nah it won’t change anything at all. Intense pain, chipmunk cheek swelling, so much jello, etc. . Here usually people have their wisdom teeth till there is a problem with them and remove them then. The oral surgeon said I probably don’t need to get them removed. Reply reply more replies More replies I have all 4 wisdom teeth fully erupted, one is a little crooked. the main thing i’m going to comment about is the jaw clenching because i have a HORRIBLE habit of doing so and it was really hard in the beginning. This didn't start until 3-4 days after the tooth was removed and it hasn't effected much but I was to know if anybody has any ideas why this is. The blood clot takes 24 hours to fully harden, so you should avoid the site for a day. 15 votes, 19 comments. Try to rinse your mouth using water and salt. (I did take 1mg Ativan 30 min before my appointment to calm my nerves but I was still completely awake and aware) It was incredibly easy. Follow the obvious rules and be careful. Bro same. I feel you, I had to have all of my wisdom teeth removed last year (at 20) with 2 needing to be quartered. My teeth aren’t impacted and they are fully erupted but they both have cavities. Hi, I have four wisdom teeth, and I just want to point out na wisdom tooth removal isn't necessary. not very swollen). some of them The wisdom teeth removal was successful and I didn't get any dry socket afterwards. Dentist gave me a douche-lookin' sprayer thingie to inject water into the holes to clean them out, but for some reason now (35 years later) I remember carrots and bread. Im sure the doctors will give me a list of do’s and dont’s but if anyone has some other tips i would love to hear them. As of the last year, it seems like the gum above one of the impacted teeth is pulling away from the second molar that the wisdom tooth is pushed up against. I was given the option to be awake or knocked out for the procedure. Had to take it easy for the next few days, eating small bites, no brushing teeth, and wash mouth with water and salt a few times, and don't spit for a while. On the first day, I avoided the site completely and just brushed my front teeth. Thank you for this post, I don’t normally have dental anxiety but having some oral surgery this time, my anxiety is from taking the meds, I dont even like taking advil, but I will just push through knowing the anxiety will disappear. Was in the same boat as you about 10 days ago (wisdom teeth removal and first full sedation surgery). I have a dentist that is willing to do it with Oral Pill sedation (two halcion pills i believe) and another that is trying to do a potential coronectomy / extraction with deep IV sedation. I am on income assistance, and with the "social assistance adjustment" (billing term used) my bill went from $1693. I would suggest don't smoke for a week and when you do at first try something like a gravity bong that doesn't involve sucking. Had my wisdom teeth removed on the 14th. Thankfully my dentist strongly recommended me to take the full anesthesia because he wouldn't do it without. your teeth got crowded because bad habits and posture caused your jaw bones not to grow 100 percent of their potential, and therefore the teeth cannot fit in. I had my wisdom teeth removed today (all 4) and was prescribed 400 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours, as well as methylprednisolone 4mg on a descending schedule every day (6 day 1, 5 day 2, 4 day 3, etc. I had all 4 wisdom teeth out at once when I was 20. I was also painfully dreading getting a dry socket because I’m wow, i didn’t know having wisdom teeth removal actually changes your face. It is common in lower wisdom teeth removal. I’m getting two wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and I’m terrified. Nervous as hell, and 2. If you're young and can get them removed, do so. Jaw hurt for a few days and couldn't eat solid food until a week after. You'll regret it if you do enough of it. I live in the Midwest and paid $270 for the removal of 3 of my wisdom teeth through an in-network provider (oral surgeon) This included IV Sedation and the initial consultation and I had MetLife dental insurance. For me, reading stuff on this sub-Reddit has been super helpful for me! I’m at day 13 and my swelling still hasn’t fully gone down! I’m in no pain, and my face does look normal but I can feel on the inside of my mouth where my gums and cheek are still slightly swollen! My wisdom teeth removal was basically just a free week off work. I went in and was done in about 15min. Hello, fellow 21 year old with impacted bottom wisdoms and "fine" top ones! I'm going in for surgery this wednesday. I decided not to after a few weeks since always nawawala rin ung pain after maka adjust ng tooth in its place. At 32 I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed. And usually, wisdom teeth are extracted kapag magpapa-braces to have space for movement. This can be the case for your dentist as well. 3 wisdom teeth and 3 regular teeth removed, with sedation. Day of Surgery, Day 1 recovery: I had my surgery at 9:30 am this morning and I decided to go through with the IV sedation route. I’ll be real, I was really nervous going in. This is an individual recollection of what the experience was. In order to make the gnm orthotic, my GNM dentist wants me to remove both my right side wisdom teeth. Tip of tongue feels sort of numb. It's easier the younger you are. I know it will be a pretty evasive procedure as I'm told the older you are increase sick factors increase such as infection + dry socket. For my whole life, my 2 wisdom teeth were below the surface and fully impacted so we just left them. i had my wisdom teeth removed in February or March this year and az of a few days ago got random pain in my right cheek. cncgu vbuz aukpj agllj oktcfqwf mbmdxn hreyhto pmvzrqwl ntl cuiiqfc