Obese husband reddit. So what I think is going on is A.

Obese husband reddit I also put some muscle on. Everyone else can kick their drug, but we as humans need to eat to live. My husband has always been naturally slim, and used to work out somewhat frequently so he was a bit muscular. They cheat downward so they csn feel like the dime piece, and to validate they're worth something to others beyond their partner, even if A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. My husband has been obese since we met. Stimulants can help curb appetite and tend to act as an unintentional weight loss tool. Seek advice of weight loss, or obesity related reddit sub/group. Be his wife not somebody looking to reddit for validation, poor dude needs support rn not someone threatening divorce over something hes probably been battling his whole life. Core memory. So, here's a bit of perspective from the fat husband. Tbh my husband gained about 40 pounds in the last 4ish years and it has definitely made me feel less attracted to him. My husband and i have a large friend, when he sits he "falls" into the couch, and he bent the bars. Severe obesity is definitely associated with risk factors that can shorten one’s lifespan, but there is no indicator here that OP’s husband is severely obese. So what I think is going on is A. I really don't get the hang ups or apprehension tbh. He is being a controlling/abusive jerk. Fast food. So I went for it, thinking I could Hey btw y’all: most obese people aren’t over 400 pounds, I’d bet a lot of morbidly obese people aren’t either. That is a wound which will be very difficult to heal, and no matter how much the son recovers from it, he will remember that moment and the fat fucks laughing at him for the rest of his life. ” She’s like “hey eat both of our dinners” And yes her husband should know better, and he is squarely being selfish and horrible, but she still has to set boundaries and commit to them I'm going to be very frank. People who are overweight, obese or super obese have a special disadvantage all other addicts don't. One man was the biggest man I have ever seen. The only things that have really helped is therapy and cutting out negative influences like most forms of social media (I know Reddit is social media, but it’s the one I kept). You dated him when he was obese and you failed to understand prior to dating that for obese people, managing their weight is a life long struggle. Life" Reply reply Let him know it’s not your dream to be a widow before you hit 50 because your husband was too selfish to think of anyone but himself. Worried my stepson is becoming obese, husband brushes it off . She's funny, caring, and smart. Members Online. All of that may be true objectively. He never sticks to it. That is not acceptable. 6K votes, 195 comments. When I met my husband I was still losing, so 50 pounds heavier than I am now. You will not have any of my food that I cooked for myself. Your husband is a nice man and he is putting efforts. If her husband is spiting her for her pregnancy gain Maybe try reading the post. But, you put on 40 lbs since you’ve met, and had two pregnancies the last 3ish years. Similar boat here, except I am the husband who is blood pressure pills level of fat, and my wife is just a little overweight. In March of this year I got serious about cutting sugar out of my diet. I could choose food as my way to cope and I’d be obese. I asked him what he did for me it was covid. Women say they want a man who can make them laugh, regardless of whether they make people laugh. One thing I can say is if you’ve gained weight don’t also stop grooming and caring about your dress in addition to the weight, he has also not cared for his facial hair in the last few years and stopped dressing nicely. Instead of focusing that energy on being a better partner worth more to their relationship, most look outward for ego boosts. I will suggest you the following: Prayanam ( 5 Yoga breathing exercises) Pancha (5) Karma(acts). 5 years and have 2 wonderful kids, 12M and 8F. Yep, untreated ADHD is a huge risk factor for health issues like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. I'm not sure if men and women find obesity equally unattractive. Easily over 6 foot tall and 700lbs. Sometimes it's mutual - often a woman wants a slightly older man and a man wants a younger woman. I (26F) absolutely adore my big husband (28M). The husband would have made a conscious effort as described above if he truly cared. He was fit and athletic when I met him 25 years ago, but has steadily increased his weight the whole time. To start with i felt virtuous that i wasn't touching it, but now it's just 'his' food, and i don't even see it. And its worked. I joined a gym 2 years ago and lost 130 pounds and am now 220 pounds so I’m still obese, but less obese than before and not in as much risk of dying. She's gained it after the pregnancy. You are not obese, you do not have a medical problem that is exacerbated by what you eat. Every time I tell him that I’m worried about him and that I hope he’ll lose some weight, he mentions how we have food in the house and he doesn’t want it to go to waste. Hello, as the title suggests, I used to be morbidly obese at 350 pounds. Some people use food to cope. In our discussion he said it was to help me because his mom and family are unhealthy obese and diabetics and he didn’t want me to later on have health issues like them. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. Men of Reddit, I am following a friend's situation with her husband of one year, and it's raised questions I genuinely want to know the answer to. that's the biggest thing for me if my partner put on significant weight, I just googled "my husband gained weight reddit" and the women are being eaten alive in the comment sections, As my husband and I are sitting here eating our pre-op diet for weight loss surgery, since we both joined the program! I agree with others. I'm basically a toothpick compared to him but I seriously don't I (28F) got married to my husband (31M) in early 2021, after 3 years of dating. 1. 0. I AM NOT OP [Inconclusive warning] *** [31] Overweight husband lost a lot of weight and now I'm [27F] insecure For example, if someone became obese because they: didn't care about their body or their health; didn't care about living a long and healthy life with their spouse being about to physically do the things they want to do; didn't care about the physical/financial burden their choice would inflict on their spouse (and children); didn't care about She has to want to change before you can assist in that change. if he is going to resent and hate her then sure leave. I had this problem before and Im still married 9 years now what I did was I talked to my husband and told him how everything he saying it hurts me. My husband and I 13 votes, 16 comments. The commenters listed a million things SHE should be doing (scheduling doc appts, making meal plans for him) but NOBODY mentions ANYTHING he should be doing. Gaining some extra belly fat does not shorten your life by 10-15 years. However, after being with her for 2 years, I had gained 50lbs and with no signs of stopping. The world we live in now is a whole different world, and obesity is common for many My husband of 3 years weighed almost 350 pounds about 2 months ago. I am 5’4 around 160lbs, I still exercise quite often, usually 3-4 times or more a week. Once she wants to change, there are lots you can do. Oh man. I think this sort of thing is quite common. You can find a partner who is willing to go to therapy and listen to advice on how to survive the hard times together. You know you’re not. That arrested my weight gain. I decided to make a big life change, and I spent 1½ years losing 75lbs. I didn't want to sleep with him any less because of that. My family made sure me and my siblings exercised and ate healthily. Ive had 2 kids with him. In life. i was 400 lbs in my mid-30s with two little girls at home. Obviously with in reason. She is the only partner I've ever had. ) BMI in children is determined using a I watched my father die of obesity-related disease almost 2 years ago. I have gained well over 100 lbs since we met. One of the kids sounds like OP's husband -- just vacuums up food, doesn't wait for anybody, gets seconds without asking, and often wastes the food in the process because he also cherry picks what he wants out. I'm begining to resent her, and that isn't what I want to happen. He should not be on you for your weight gain, especially because it’s surely the result of giving birth to his two children. I didn't even mean it in my head to be mean or anything. Also, snacks are fine. Long story short, he was gonna get married and he had a camera crew documenting the whole thing for I believe Discovery H&H. I assume maybe he bought two hence why he’s even attempting to board. Of course we have our own snacks, but the amount of unhealthy food he was purchasing was otherworldly. So they're going to get exposed to their "drug" 2 or more times a day every damn day. In late July, I started mixing it up with IF. I send healthy lunches from home with him to work but his weight does not budge and My husband is 5'10" 44y and almost 300lbs. He's not obese or overweight, and that's why I think he thinks he can get away with eating like this and no alarm bells are ringing 😭 His diet is generally super poor bordering on disordered. I want her back. We became parents at a young age(i was 18 and he was 20)we have both changed so much physically. A compromised immune system is one of them that id stress. We have a 12 month old and we have full custody of his first born almost 8 My husband and i have been together for 12 yrs total married for 10 of those yrs. I (25ish M) love my partner (25ish F) of a few years. some people really enjoy the experience of sharing food with others. He always wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail, and though he'd hiked pieces of it as a younger man, he could never get back to it as he was older. If your BMI is 40 or higher, you are considered extremely obese (or morbidly obese. It is too the point of couples counseling. Earlier onset Children of obese parents may develop excess weight earlier in life, which can increase their risk of obesity-related health conditions. suggestions and feedback. I didn't marry an obese woman. He will take the elevator instead of stairs, while a young lady is waiting to use the elevator with her baby stroller. For you, you gotta protect your kids. Two more of this guy and one of me and we might be as close as we can get without going over" So, my husband was obese when we met, though less so. I struggle to find healthy ways to cope with my husband dying and leaving me a single mother (I’m in therapy and a support group). People don't eat themselves into severe obesity because of laziness or lack of will. My mom died of obesity-related illnesses, my sister just got gastric bypass, my aunt had to have her legs chopped off due to the diabetes. Perfect analogy! OP's husband decimated the young man's self esteem using mockery in front of his adult friends. And in the course of her hospitalization as well. This reddit post was probably a bad idea. Also, losing weight long term is not easy. However I really liked his personality, we had a strong connection, and he wasn’t always obese. My husband just asked him to try sitting next time, and not falling into the chair. He used to be very healthy, hitting the gym 4 times a week and even ridiculing me for being skinny. I am aware, which was my wake-up call. I saw old pics of him when he was fit and he was very attractive to me. He has lost and gained I don't know how many times. I have worked in assisted living homes. Just would like any advice or expectations I'm not in a comparable situation , but I am a man who has taken waaaay too long to adapt to my S/O's requests. He won't eat a full meal for several days and then binge on candy at night. Weight for me has always been an issue, and I am definitely predisposed to be a fat ass. At 6'2", 280lbs I was still one of the thinnest in my family if that says anything. Your husband is struggling internally, but he also doesn't seem to take you seriously. For me, it only registered once I was given a very clear picture of our relationship and the alternatives. Source: Every episode of "My 600 lbs. He is trying to control your body. I’m not going to tell you you’re a healthy weight. My family struggles with food and it was an issue in my marriage too. seems like everyday i’d read another news story about an otherwise healthy obese thirtysomethimg dying from covid and leaving his wife and kids behind. She and her husband were such wonderful people. The vast majority of people who try to lose weight fail long term. So a handsome man without brains wouldn’t do a thing for me, but a quirky It only becomes a problem if the weight is extremely obese or if you literally look like a big blob then it'll I just read an infuriating response to a woman's post, talking about what a shitty person she is for thinking about divorcing her obese husband. Edit: it's insane how so many people thought losing weight was the actual issue here and not We've been married for 8 years now and I love him so much. They gain and lose, gain and lose. nutrition, etc. And he honestly treats me so badly. My husband and I made 4x the income before he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was heartbreaking. She was hilarious and I’d sit and talk with her and we’d just crack the fuck up. But it has been a lot easier for him to lose the weight. I have been with my girlfriend for 5½ years. My husband is one of them. I mean high sex drive would be great but i love him so much that i could settle with other type of intimacy (eventhough i have a high drive). Most overweight people don’t keep the weight off for good. My goal weight is higher than what you weigh now! Maybe he was joking but it sounds like it's all the time. I’ve struggled with body dysmorphia and ED for a little over half my life. Some guys are really behind the times and expect all women to be thin and healthy all the time. However, we come from very different families. You are afraid of eating around your husband or him knowing what you eat. My partner comes from a family of obesity, and didn't have any of that. More of a mental exercise of "huh, I wonder when this becomes relevant. A study from UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals found that children with one obese parent have a 50% chance of being obese, and children with two obese parents have an 80% chance. My girlfriend is still morbidly obese. I’m mentally crossing my fingers he’s not next to me, but sure enough he ends up pointing to the window seat next to me to let him in. Yeah, this is what really stuck out to me. He's a great husband, great dad, and a good man. This time has been very different. I wouldn’t expect my partner to go from morbidly obese to an Olympic athlete but if it’s something that will negatively impact your relationship then it should be a People do come back from that kind of abyss (I don't know your husbands height, but it sounds like your husband would be morbidly obese in a world in which our version of morbid obesity is the baseline), but so vanishingly infrequently that I just dont see it happening. I put in your stats with different heights because you didn't specify and the difference between the second number and the third light exercise on the different heights is around 400 calories. Today I weigh 269. Things were Does he say why he won’t follow through? 679K subscribers in the Marriage community. And the majority of these years, he has spent overweight. Stop acting like you're owed things. This is a huge driver for why I've insisted my house (me, two housemates, and a housemate's kids) begin eating dinner at the table together. Candy. Well, a very obese man boards and I can tell instantly he is going to have a tough time fitting in any of the seats. Now I know that they knew and I feel like a douche. We had a lady that was obese, ended up with multiple hernia repairs and skin grafts to close her abdomen. Now you're married to a guy who is steadily gaining weight and will be a Dr. Yes it's got a highly visible physical symptom, but the backstory, the emotional and psychological factors, which go behind the motivation to eat, are complex and rarely understood. Ask her to go for walks together, keep junk food out of the house, find fun/creative low calorie recipes to cook together, and in general promote a healthy lifestyle. People on Reddit make it seem like women our size don't have options but right? For me, appearances don’t matter, but intelligence really does. Now candidate if he doesn't Is someone you love battling the bulge, and you feel helpless to help them? Or maybe you're the dieter, with a partner, best friend, sibling, or parent who just can't seem to Men do tend to be more weight-biased when dating than women, some research suggests, maybe because they tend to focus more on looks overall. My husband works as a personal trainer while I work as a dietician, so our schedules clash a lot. An obese woman will have more trouble dating than an Understanding extreme obesity. It’s embarrassing AF to see your obese husband use the elevator when someone who actually needs it is waiting. Your posts have been disgusting. You married a morbidly obese guy expecting him to change. After the pregnancy she became obese. and yes but helping your wife when they have mental health problems is not abuse. When we first met, we were both obese, and I had no interest in changing that part of myself. This was the best post in this thread and in hindsight it only got better. I love him as he is weight and all. They are smart and funny and sweet, and are loved more than words could ever describe. He would then stand so I could wash his back and clean him up. I'm 47 kg, 5'2 and very petite. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. scared the shit out me cuz i knew there’s no reason one of those articles couldn’t have been about me. It robbed him of his quality of life for probably the last 15 years of it. I’ve maintained the weight loss for over a year now. Reply reply If the obese parent passes on their eating habits, their kids will almost certainly be obese. I followed a couple cat pages and kept the Reddit because I like to look at cats occasionally. If your husband really cared about you, he wouldn't say things like that. ). I married my wife. He didn't change. So I (24 F) have been slightly overweight my whole life, except for when I was very strict about diet and exercise in high school. Posted by u/throwra3232656 - 13,264 votes and 2,377 comments Like yeah her husband is being horrible to her, but instead of saying “I will eat my portion. My husband said once View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. He's technically obese. We've been married 20 years, have 2 My husband is overweight and has struggled with it all of his life and has insecurities about it. My husband was like 240 when we met, and I was 125. For context, when I met him first he was skinny, and over the course of our 5 year relationship, he had put on weight. 5 to 25 kg/m 2. She’s doing a good job of nagging my ass out for walks, for which I am both of the minds of “fuck off” and “thanks for caring” OP thinks her obese husband must be guzzling food in secret . Before I met my husband, I struggled with binge eating. He won’t even discuss dieting. My husband is becoming obese and I don't know how to approaching him. My husband weighs over 300 pounds now. I've put on probably 60 pounds from when my wife and I started dating about 8 years ago. Stop acting like respect means over riding other people's decision making and consent. I come from a family of obese fatties. My husband eats all sorts of junk that i 'can't', or rather choose not to. -educate her about the side effects of obesity and the benefits of being at a healthy weight. But over the past few years, they have both gained an alarming amount of weight, and are considered obese. And it is incredibly difficult on a partner of a morbidly obese person to be the primary care person instead of being actual partners. Your partner needs to seek treatment, that should be the priority right now. Reddit's premier anime community. We're still rather young and have been dating since school, over the past year he's let himself go and is just packing My husband began the journey with me and lost 50lbs but then back tracked and gained it all back. My husband (37M) and I (35F) have been married for 15. I took care of him for a few months. In mid-June, my husband and I went Keto. Women who are short often still want tall men. A healthy body mass index range is from 18. The mortality rates of obesity. Yes, you can do better in finding a partner that doesn’t betray your trust by lying to you. 40 lbs in that time with two kids isn’t insane. Obesity is a serious, complex, misunderstood medical condition. The effects of obesity on the heart. But she’s been through a lot. He will waste our money on sugared pop and donuts. This is an unhinged take. Once a week he would get out of bed walk 4 feet and go #2 on a special toilet that could hold him. Reply reply Training_Ad_8896 He’s making himself sick. ( 5 body cleansing practices) Fasting and vegetables dieting. Go to work, take care of kids, pick up after their husband, fix dinner and the husband still expects them to split bills. Whenaretheholidayd · Today 10:45 When I met dh he was a bit overweight but over the years he put on a lot of weight and he was morbidly obese. My husband is 2x my weight, more or less. he knew, he loved me, never questioned or made fun of my weight. Back near the early 2000s here in my hometown we had a local celebrity that was a 450kg morbidly obese man (he was completely bed ridden). His "letting yourself go" comments are beyond the pale. OP’s husband needs help and I hope he gets it. Now here is where you luck out as a man. This was my first every Reddit post and it feels so good to share this with other people anonymously. I’m just worried about being a 30 years old wife taking care of her 40 years old sick husband in and out of hospital while juggling work and kids. However lately, my husband has begun bringing loads of junk food into our house. Just like if you saw someone elses lunch in the fridge at work you wouldn't consider it a temptation because it's just not a realistic option, and it's not . The side effects from diabetes. I have quite the big stomach. I've done this. Hi, So I currently weight about 22 and a Half stone. I’m f30 and my husband is 27m. He has said countless times over the years how he wants to lose the weight. I wasn't trying to sugarcoat it, but just trying to keep them separate (medically obese, and the 300lbs+ obese that I feel most people think about when they picture it, and what was specifically called out in the original post). I already said that I made the Reddit a year ago because my husband asked me to do something or something about a stupid post he was doing and that this is where he gets his memes from. That said, I'm different from your husband in that I do fight it as reasonably as I can. he doesn't want to admit there's a problem with his eating habits/his weight gain and B.