Edgefield county courthouse. Business Phone Number.

Edgefield county courthouse Business Contact Email . Edgefield County Animal Shelter - 4830784. Charles Beck and Robert Mills are the architects. Resources for the Edgefield County Probate Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and resources applicable to all courts in South Carolina. 1839 – The present Edgefield County Courthouse is completed. Edgefield County. gov the Edgefield County Courthouse and are private agreements between a property owner and a developer or association. Many legal statistics regarding the past and the current ages are well depicted with the Edgefield County, South Carolina Built 1839. 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC Related To This Project. Edgefield County, South Carolina Record Dates [edit | edit source] Information for this chart was taken from various sources, often containing conflicting dates. Reel, the Edgefield County Clerk of Court provides essential services for the local community, including family court, general sessions and common pleas court, as well as maintaining vital The Edgefield County Magistrate’s Office is dedicated to providing professional service to the public. The County Magistrate is a judicial officer who presides over traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal offenses, and small claims cases within the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County. In searching for genealogy records be sure to check the following counties as they were created from Edgefield County: Aiken County in 1871, Saluda County in 1895, Greenwood County in 1897, and McCormick County in 1916. County Pronunciation Hear it spoken. Tonya Guy. gov. Also called Edgefield Village or Edgefield Court House, it was described by Robert Mills as “a neat little village’ in 1826, and was incorporated in 1830. Location, contacts, phone number, jury duty, and other info. archive@edgefieldcounty. edgefieldcounty. 803-429-5863. All appointments to County Boards, Committees or Commissions are made by vote of the What do you do with the application: The owner mails, fills out online, or delivers the application to County Administration at 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. Short Business Description. Other Properties; County: Edgefield: Parcel Information; Address: 129 Courthouse Square Edgefield, Recording Officer: Clerk of Court Records Online: Real Estate, Grantor/Grantee, Deed, Liens (2006), UCC Assessor Fax: 803-637-4119 Edgefield County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts Category: Courts Edgefield County Government - Clerk of Court 129 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824 Phone: (803)637-4080 Edgefield County Birth & Death Edgefield County Resource/ Risk Management. Get In Touch. Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824 Mailing Address: P. 803-637-9941. Up for First Reading: Up for Second Reading: Ordinance Number 20-21-771 – “An Ordinance to Approve the Policies for a Spay/Neuter Program for Edgefield County and Others Matters Relating Thereto. Judicial officer presiding over traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal offenses, and small claims cases within the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County. Fantastic business location on the square in Edgefield! Historic Edgefield County Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Centers. Wigfall are fought. Business Name. Nino Colarossi 209 Main Street Edgefield, SC 29824. Reel Elected Edgefield County Clerk of Court / Register of Deeds. 1st floor retail/tasting room at Edgefield County Clerk of Court located at 129 Courthouse Square # 205, Edgefield, SC 29824 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. gov Home | SC. gov Policies | Help Center | Contact SC. He was elected to the Family Court Bench for the 11th Judicial Circuit on May 28th, 2014. Many legal statistics regarding the past and the current ages are well depicted with the Edgefield County Courthouse, circa 1800’s. The the commissioner of equity files were destroyed. Charles L. Facebook; Edgefield, SC Map. Search Find a Business Search public court records from Edgefield County Bond Court online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Pre-Employment and Credit Checks. 📜🔍 . Carter Jr. 124 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824. Edgefield , South Carolina 29824 Contact. The phone number for Edgefield County Magistrates Court is 803-637-4090 and the Microfilm of original at the Edgefield County courthouse in Edgefield, South Carolina. 3 miles Judicial officer presiding over traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal offenses, and small claims cases within the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County. With UniCourt, you can lookup court cases online, find the latest Online Court Resources. Court System Type: All civil cases at law over $300. Circuit Number: 11. 11th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s The Edgefield County Council is currently discussing the future requirements of the County Emergency Medical Services, and how to obtain the funding required to meet those needs. Mario’s Pizzeria. Clerk Address: 129 Courthouse Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Edgefield County in Edgefield, South Carolina. 637. 9278 U. [3] The county was established on March 12, 1785. 1846-1848 – The Mexican War is fought Record deeds (Clerk of Court) NOTICE OF REASSESSMENT. From libraries and parks to senior services and educational programs, our community resources provide opportunities for learning, recreation, and social engagement. Edgefield, SC. 129 Courthouse Square, Suite 109, Edgefield, SC 29824 (803)-637-4066: environmental health: On October 17, 2023 a medical malpract 220 case was filed by Estate Of Richard Scott Pickett, and Spires, Iris Hamilton, represented by Elliott, C. , The Edgefield County Clerk of Court / Register of Deeds office is located inside the Edgefield County Courthouse, at 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. They typically broadcast, post on their web sites, and/or disseminate through social media any deviations from normal operations for county offices. 803-480-0419. Commercial - Edgefield, SC. Edgefield, South Carolina is a charming little town located in the west of the state, just north of Augusta, Georgia. Fax: (803) 637-4101. The site of the court house for Edgefield County was first chosen in 1785. If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you What do you do with the application: The owner mails, fills out online, or delivers the application to County Administration at 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. Fairfield County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Physical Address: 200 Railroad Street Edgefield, SC 29824-1133 . Clerks of Court Register of Deeds Solicitors Public Defenders Court Interpreters Court Reporters. Edgefield Clerk of Court: Edgefield County Clerk of Court. This office manages the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts and Register of Deeds for Edgefield County, SC. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law Edgefield was founded in 1785 and soon emerged as a commercial center for surrounding farms. Where can find Edgefield County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Edgefield County vital records can be found at the South Carolina Department of Health has copies of birth records after 1913 and death records after 1930, copies of marriage since Jan 1962 and a Divorce records since 1958. It is your responsibility to make certain that your proposed Edgefield County Directory. Monthly View Terms of Court. Thirteen Paid Holidays 124 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC, 29824 Equal Opportunity Employer. We have identified 796 surnames (with about 25 more variations in spellings) making up the 1,727 families and the 12,267 people living in Edgefield County, SC in 1790. The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), Edgefield County, and the debris removal contractor will only be collecting existing debris piles currently by the Randy Doran’s retirement photo. Graniteville Magistrate Court Canal Street, Graniteville, SC - Welcome to Edgefield County Clerk's Real Property Official Records Search. Colonel Pierce Mason Butler and many others from Edgefield County Court House. You may also contact Edgefield County Courthouse is a historic government building situated in Edgefield, South Carolina. The Edgefield County Clerk of Court Register of Deeds office is conveniently located within the historic Edgefield County Courthouse in Edgefield, SC. Often known as the “Father of Edgefield,” he had the vision for developing the Village of Edgefield around the new County Courthouse and spent over four decades making that vision a reality. Jonathan H. Microfilm of original records filmed at the Edgefield County courthouse in Edgefield, South Carolina. As a mandated office, they are responsible for the maintenance of the records for civil actions and criminal felonies. Graniteville Magistrate Court Lexington County Court Docket (PDF) McCormick County Court Docket. What do you do with the application: The owner mails, fills out online, or delivers the application to County Administration at 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. Login ☰ Edgefield County Property Records; Edgefield County Public Records; Edgefield County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Edgefield was founded in 1785 and soon emerged as a commercial center for surrounding farms. Employment Policies Drug and Smoke Free Workplace. Saluda County Court Docket Solicitor's Facebook Page Solicitor 11th Circuit. Locality Subjects. The office serves the General Sessions, Common Pleas, and Family Court departments, and has jurisdiction over South Carolina. The original Court House, a weather-boarded building Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square. View Court Rosters At 11:00 a. Edgefield County Court House. Edgefield County, 124 Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Edgefield County. Phone # 803. 124 Courthouse Square. Other. Edgefield County Courthouse is a historic government building situated in Edgefield, South Carolina. Come explore Edgefield County and see why so many of us rave about it. Phone: 803-637-4080, 803-637-4049 Fax: 803-637-4007 Recorded Documents. The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office has been awarded a DUI grant to fund activity hours for assistant solicitors to exclusively prosecute DUI-related cases in both General Sessions and summary courts in Edgefield, Established in 1785, Edgefield County is a part of the Aiken/Augusta metropolitan statistical area. Includes index. Helpful information about the probate division of the Edgefield County Clerk of Court located in Edgefield County, SC. 6 miles away In July 2021, the Clerk of Court began managing the Edgefield County Archives. Check local commercial news media outlets. Fax: (803) 734-1141 Family Court manages Domestic, Juvenile, and Department of Social Services cases. Bid Up or Premium. A tidbit for our crime junkies: this courthouse was the site of Microfilm of original records filmed at the Edgefield County courthouse in Edgefield, South Carolina. 803-637-4000. Home Resources County Information Edgefield County. Business Fax. Please see © 2015-2020 University of South Carolina – aws. Edgefield is a US city in Edgefield County in the state of South Carolina. 45; Property ID: 110097328186. 7868, -81. A tidbit for our crime junkies: this courthouse was the site of Edgefield County Resource/ Risk Management. Office: (803) 637-4090. View Edgefield County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. It serves as a center for legal proceedings and administrative functions within the Edgefield County is in the 11th Judicial Circuit, consisting of Edgefield, Saluda, McCormick and Lexington Counties. The County had a Christmas contest this year! The employees could decorate their business doors and the best The Edgefield County Clerk of Court keeps the records for the Courts of Appeals and Common Pleas. Title: EDGEFIELD COUNTY GOVERNMENT Author: LANDERSON Last modified by: Lee Ann Anderson 1839 – The present Edgefield County Courthouse is completed. [4]The Savannah River makes up part of the western border of Edgefield County; across the river lies the city of Augusta, Georgia. Business Genre. More details . As of the 2020 census, its population was 25,657. Office: (803) 637-4095. Phone #'s Auto Attendant 803-637-4080 Archives Office. View Court Rosters Abbeville County. Directly across the creek, on the opposite hill, is a rambling tree-shaded old house known as “Holly Hill,” perhaps less imposing but equally as charming as the Court House. A lot of freedom of surfing and easy user-friendly navigation can thus be enjoyed now exclusively. , Monday through Friday. Fairfield County Summary Court Dockets. Libraries Edgefield County Library System operates several branches 2. and Henrietta (Tompkins) Carter; attended Clemson College _____EDGEFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING_____ 210 Penn St, Edgefield, SC 29824 (803) 637-4073 fax (803) 637-4088 email: gwall@edgefieldcounty. Business Contact Email. State Treasurer of South Carolina; born at Edgefield Court House, S. Court Officials. Restaurants. Results per page: Page. 783333 and situated at an elevation of 162 meters. 803-637-4056. The story goes that Wigfall, in a rage, went to the courthouse, hammered a sign to the wall that said “Whitfield Brooks is a coward!” He stood by Edgefield County reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities, and to cancel the Bid Process at any time. Box 34 Edgefield SC, 29824 Contact us: Phone: (803)637-4049 / (803)637-4080 Fax: (803)637-4007 Email:creel@edgefieldcounty. It serves as a center for legal proceedings and administrative functions within the county. Just a short walk from the Edgefield County Courthouse the Tillman Law Firm can handle Read more. 803-637-4104. Saluda County Courthouse. Email. It is your responsibility to make certain that your proposed Helpful information about the probate division of the Edgefield County Clerk of Court located in Edgefield County, SC. Find info for any nearby courthouse Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. United States, South Carolina, Edgefield - Court records. Archives manages documents from 1913 back to the 1700's. Find info for any nearby courthouse The contractor was Charles Beck who worked with the famous Robert Mills on many of his designs around South Carolina. gov Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Edgefield County Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square 3. He also played a major role in founding three Baptist churches (Horn’s Creek, Little Stevens Creek and Edgefield Village). You may also contact us using our USPS PO Box 34, Edgefield, SC 29824. The building was enlarged in Aiken County was created in 1871; Saluda in 1895; Greenwood in 1897; and McCormick in 1916. Access arrest warrants, criminal records, probate records, and more. Edgefield County, SC online court records file-simple and authentic! Facts and figures with immense significance can now be retrieved without much hassle. You are here. Film/Digital Notes. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Edgefield. Edgefield, SC 29824. Marc H. Domestic cases consist of Divorces, Child Custody, Child Support, Name Changes, Alimony, Adoptions, Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Edgefield, SC? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! Courts in Edgefield County, South Carolina. Formed January 1, 1785 (9th county) Edgefield County (25,648), Edgefield (2,322) The red/brown brick Neo Classical Revival facility was erected in 1838. County Number: 19. Edgefield County: Saluda: Spartanburg: 1785: Ninety-Six District: Spartanburg: Sumter: 1798: Claremont, Clarendon, and Salem Counties Edgefield County, SC Vital Records. Edgefield County is a county located on the western border of the U. The majority of the records are arranged by package number. The Edgefield County Magistrate’s Office is dedicated to providing professional service to the public. The GIS/Special Projects Department utilizes a geographic information system (GIS) to create and maintain geospatial information. state of South Carolina. 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC or at www. Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square. 4068. The town is proud of its native sons, deeming itself the “Home of Ten Governors. Edgefield County Vital Certificates. The court address is 215 Jeter Street, PO Box 664, Edgefield, SC 29824. Translate to English. gov Edgefield County Court House, 129 Court House Square. View this catalog record in WorldCat for other possible copy locations. Box 664, Edgefield, SC, 29824-0664 Edgefield County Edgefield County Bond Court. Includes partial index. Note Location The Tillman Law Firm is located just off town square in historic Edgefield South Carolina. I will try to answer what I know Most county offices (Treasurer, Auditor, Tax Collector, Magistrate, and Courthouse) are closed this week. Application and Policies – Edgefield County Recreation Park Facility Rentals (Bettis Park) Edgefield County, 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824 Phone: (803) 637-4000, Fax: (803) 637-4056. Our office manages General Sessions, Common Pleas, and Family Court. With a dedicated team led by Charles L. 2 miles Judicial officer presiding over traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal offenses, and small claims cases within the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County. Current languages with translated court forms are: Language Abbreviation; Portuguese: POR: Spanish: SPA: For example, the list of forms translated into Spanish is shown below: Edgefield County Record Availability. A “gaol” was built here as early as 1785. Graniteville Magistrate Court Canal Street, Graniteville, SC - 17. There is a fee for each copy Online Court Resources. Accrued Sick and Vacation Time. Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce 416 Calhoun Street Johnston, SC 29832 803-275-0010 phone/fax Edgefield is located slightly east of the center of Edgefield County at (33. Bid Procedures. Resources for the Edgefield County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and resources applicable to all courts in South Carolina. Stage. Physical Address: 215 Jeter Street Courts in Edgefield County, South Carolina. Edgefield Municipal Court 400 Main Street, Edgefield, SC The Edgefield County Building and Planning Department is responsible for enforcement of the adopted codes and ordinances regulating development. Westbrook Judicial Center. Our last reassessment was done in 2021 and we expect to complete the current reassessment by December 31,2025. Edgefield County is a South Carolina county located on the state's western border. C. AUD $511,745. 125 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824. Cases in CP Court exceed the monetary amount that can Edgefield County Magistrates Court. Edgefield County Probate Court. The Edgefield County Clerk to Council shall be the coordinator and arbiter of issues related to the use of public facilities. P. He took in her children and moved west Edgefield County is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Victim Service Provider with the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office. Assessor 1792 – Arthur Simkins deeded some of his property to the Judges of the Edgefield County Court. The town is also home to the oldest newspaper in South Explore Edgefield County in Photos. 116 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. The phone number for Edgefield County Probate Court is 803-637-4076 and the fax number is 803-637-7157. 205 East Main Street, Suite 309. "No chronological order of dates. The court address is 129 Courthouse Square, PO Box 34, Edgefield, SC 29824. Phone (803) 637-4096. All documents in Archives are property of the County of Edgefield. We’re a truly beautiful southern county with a ton of charm and that small-town appeal that is written about in books and talked about in movies. , September 9, 1871; son of Capt. Edgefield County Magistrate Mailing Address: Post Office Box 664 Edgefield, SC 29824-0664 . Weight First Name Last Name Position Phone Address-6: Dean: 124 Courthouse Sq, Edgefield, South Carolina, 29824-1335: 0: Jody: Rowland: Sheriff (803) 637-5337: 200 Railroad St, Edgefield, South Carolina, 29824-1172: 0: Stephanie: Lee: Edgefield County Clerk Of Court and Register of Deeds. The public is always welcome. For the following (which I copy here), I thank 'kecheeks803' whose own excellent views of the building are also here on Flickr. Phone: (803) 637-4080. A “gaol” (jail) was built here in that year. , and Williams, Robert J. 617263. Edgefield County Courthouse, the flagship of Courthouse Square was completed in 1839. LATEST. The site for the County government for Edgefield County was first chosen in 1785. Shane Massey PO Box 551 Edgefield, SC 29824. 359. In the 2020 United States Census, Edgefield County Clerk of Court 129 Courthouse Sq, #205 Edgefield, SC 29824 https://edgefieldcounty. Business NOTICE OF SALE: Edgefield County, South Carolina - Live Tax Redeemable Deed Sale, 762 Redeemable Deeds. The deed states that for the "sum of one Shilling Current money," to the Judges of Edgefield County Court a "certain plantation or tract of land containing two acres whereon the Court House and goal now stand, bounded southwardly by Moses Harris Edgefield County Circuit Court is located in Edgefield county in South Carolina. Edgefield County Probate Court is located in Edgefield county in South Carolina. ” Perhaps its most famous resident was Senator Strom Edgefield County Magistrates Court is located in Edgefield county in South Carolina. Main Street is United States Highway 25 in this part of town. Auction Edgefield Circuit Court Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC - 0. Located at the longitude and latitude of -81. 1846-1848 – The Mexican War is fought with the Palmetto Regiment playing a major role. Calendar Search. Court Reporter Assignments. Lexington, South Carolina 29072 (803) 785-8352 The Edgefield County Clerk of Court, located in Edgefield, South Carolina, is responsible for maintaining court records, issuing marriage licenses, and recording deeds. Judge Seigler then accepted a full-time position as the Tri-County Public Defender, where he represented indigent clients charged with crimes in General Sessions Court, Family Court, and Magistrate's Court in the counties of McCormick, Saluda and Edgefield. South Carolina Probate Clerk. 11th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office. These records include Edgefield County criminal, arrest, inmate, court, and vital County Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. 129 Courthouse Square Edgefield, South Carolina 29824. Message. Edgefield County is in the process of our County wide Reassessment Program which all counties are required under South Carolina law to implement every five years. Edgefield County Magistrate Court Dockets. Aggregate Sale Amount. Route 25 passes through the southwest part of the town, bypassing the center, and leads north 33 miles (53 km) to Greenwood and south 26 miles (42 km) to Augusta, Georgia. Name. Md, represented by Long, James Grant Iii, and Waring, Amelia Simonds, in On one hill high above Beaverdam Creek, the Edgefield County Court House presides magnificently over the Town Square. Thirteen Paid Holidays Direct Deposit of Pay Pre-Employment and Background Investigation Pre-Employment and Drug Screening. The Edgefield County Courthouse is located in Edgefield, South Carolina. The South Carolina trial court system consists of Circuit Courts, Family Courts, Probate Courts, Magistrates Courts, and Municipal Courts. 129 Courthouse Square, Suite 205, Edgefield, SC 29824 (803)-637-4049, (803)-637-4080: tax records: Edgefield County Tax Assessor. ". S. basement level was used for mash brewing. Learn More About State of South Carolina Court, Tax, Land and 116 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824 Fantastic business location on the square in Edgefield! Historic building has been used as a distillery for the last 10 years. Last updated on: 13 Feb 2025 +45. Online Court Resources. Below is a directory of court locations in Edgefield County. The layers and the information contained in the layers, provide a visual representation of Edgefield County. Horry County Courthouse – Federal troops vandalized courthouse offices in 1865; many loose papers and volumes of the clerk of court were destroyed. South Carolina Highway 23 passes through the center of the town, leading east 26 miles (42 km) to Batesburg Edgefield County South Carolina Court Directory. Stephanie Lee. Find Today, AIKEN County has most of the population, although early records are still in the EDGEFIELD County Courthouse. Box 45. Title: EDGEFIELD COUNTY GOVERNMENT Author: LANDERSON Last modified by: Lee Ann Anderson 1799 Edgefield Road North Augusta, SC 29860. edgefieldcounty Edgefield County Courthouse, the flagship of Courthouse Square was completed in 1839. Resources for the Edgefield County Family Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and resources applicable to all courts in South Carolina. About Awards. Judge Assignments. The court address is 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. 1,146 likes · 16 were here. Asset Information Item Specifics - Parcel Information. It is located at Penn and Main streets. Lexington County Courthouse. Edgefield County, 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824 Phone: (803) 637-4000, Fax: (803) 637-4056. Go to Top Edgefield County Clerk of Court · Experience: County of Edgefield · Education: Grand Canyon University · Location: Edgefield · 298 connections on LinkedIn. gov/recrea 8:30AM-5PM EST. Eleventh Judicial Circuit Family Court Edgefield County. UniCourt gives you access to trial court records at Discover Edgefield County, SC court records with ease. Edgefield county, South Carolina free genealogy and family history, marriages, military data, obituaries, cemeteries, old news articles, biographies, wills and more. Edgefield County Clerk of Court, Edgefield, South Carolina. On the National Register of Historic Places. Edgefield County Solid Waste and Recycling Centers serve the entire range of your household waste disposal needs. Business Phone Number. USD $325,000. View Charles Reel’s profile on Search the available county auction information, buy and sell liens/deeds, County Courthouse 129 Courthouse Square . Edgefield County Family Court is located in Edgefield county in South Carolina. Client Peer Avvo. Edgefield Municipal Court 400 Main Street, Edgefield, SC Microfilm of original records filmed at the Edgefield County courthouse in Edgefield, South Carolina. Facing southward onto Gray Street, I have been flooded with questions and messages. Footer menu. The Edgefield County Council is currently discussing the future requirements of the County Emergency Medical Services, and how to obtain the funding required to meet those needs. Applications may be obtained at the Edgefield County Government Building, 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC or at www. The Edgefield County Clerk of Court / Register of Deeds office is located inside the Edgefield County Courthouse, at 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. Number of Parcels. McDonald’s of Edgefield. 1 miles. Edgefield County is proud to offer a wealth of community resources designed to enhance the quality of life for all our residents. The original court house, a weather-boarded building constructed in 1787 – 1788, is Edgefield County Clerk of Court located at 129 Courthouse Square # 205, Edgefield, SC 29824 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. We also manage the Register of Deeds and County Archives. Each city and county listed above may be approved by the courts for The salary for this position is DOQ. Details. Courthouse Search. to 5:00 p. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Edgefield County info. Client Champion awards recognize those attorneys who excel at service as 124 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824. 1,084 likes · 16 were here. Edgefield County was formed in 1868 from Edgefield District. of 6. The phone number for Edgefield County Family Court is 803-637-4081 and the fax number is 803-637-4117. Edgefield County Magistrates Court. gov . Senator Shane Massey. Fax # Email. View details, map and photos of this retail property with 0 bedrooms and 0 total baths. com. 100 East Church Street Saluda, South Carolina 29138 Solicitor's Facebook Page Solicitor 11th Circuit. Present-day Edgefield County was first settled in the 1750s, officially conveyed to the “Judges of the Edgefield County Court” the 2¼ acres where the Town Square and Courthouse are now located. Edgefield Magistrate Court 215 Jeter Street, Edgefield, SC Judicial officer presiding over traffic cases, misdemeanor criminal offenses, and small claims cases within the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County. MLS# 601928. 0 miles This county government office hears criminal and traffic misdemeanor offenses, prepares and serves civil _____EDGEFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING_____ 210 Penn St, Edgefield, SC 29824 (803) 637-4073 fax (803) 637-4088 email: gwall@edgefieldcounty. aeubank(at)edgefieldcounty. Her brother killed her on the courthouse steps with a rock when he saw her flirting with a man to keep her from killing again. 1840 – Duels between Preston S. Submit. Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square Suite 205 P. Per the State Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), state residents have the right to request, copy, and inspect public records except when otherwise exempted under state or federal laws. 704-258-7118. on Tuesday, November 5, the County Board of Voter Registration and Elections will begin its examination of the absentee ballot return envelopes at the Edgefield Voter Registration & Elections office, 210 Penn Street, Suite 1, Welcome to Edgefield County Clerk's Real Property Official Records Search. Email Address. ”; Up for Third Reading: Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Common Pleas Court is commonly referred to as "Civil Court". Edgefield County Courthouse 129 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824 Phone: 803-637-4080 Edgefield County Website. If you are interested in sitting on a Board, Committee or Commission in Edgefield County we would love to hear from you. Edgefield County; Edgefield County Clerk of Court, Edgefield, South Carolina. Box 34, Edgefield, SC, 29824 Edgefield County For Sale - 116 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC - $325,000. Subjects. 1842 – James Henry Hammond is elected Governor of South Carolina. Seller Name: Bid4Assets: Rating: Not Applicable: Location: 129 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824 : Share. Call for a FREE Consultation 839-244-0218. Learn how to access the Register of Deeds Welcome to the Edgefield County Clerk of Court Office. Notice. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party representation. Government. Edgefield County, the area serviced by the Courthouse Village, was reduced in size to just over a quarter of what it had been. LAnderson@edgefieldcounty. Results per page: ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SOLICITOR’S OFFICE ANNOUNCES DUI PROSECUTOR GRANT AWARD. Official Website for the Town of Edgefield, SC Edgefield Circuit Court 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC. This position will remain open until filled by a qualified candidate. Edgefield , South Carolina 29824 *It is your responsibility to confirm with the judge, probation, or your attorney as to whether a In-Person distance-learning or "At-Home" court ordered program will meet your requirements. The Magistrate's office is located at 215 Jeter St, Edgefield, SC 29824, and is open from 8:30 a. Groups shall comply with all applicable laws of the United States and the State of South Carolina and with all Edgefield County ordinances, rules, Edgefield was founded in 1785 as the county seat and site of the new courthouse and jail for Edgefield County, created out of the old Ninety-Six District. , against Edgefield County, Edgefield County Detention Center, Edgefield County Sheriff'S Office, Southern Health Partners, Inc. Results per page: Edgefield Magistrate Court Jeter Street, Edgefield, SC - 0. It is located on the Savannah River just north of Augusta and north-west of Aiken County, covering an area of 506 square miles. . Box 34, Edgefield, SC, 29824 Edgefield County. SC. [2] Its county seat and largest community is Edgefield. With its classic architecture and rich heritage, the courthouse stands as a symbol of justice and governance in the local community. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare South Carolina courts. Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce 416 Calhoun Street Johnston, SC 29832 The Edgefield County Courthouse is a contributing property to the Edgefield Historic District, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. 205 East 133 South Mine Street McCormick, South Carolina 29835. m. County Council meetings are held in the County Council Chambers located at 225 Jeter Street in Edgefield (behind the Courthouse). Contains wills, inventories and appraisements, sales, and guardian and administration bonds and letters. The Magistrate’s Office has jurisdiction over many misdemeanor criminal and traffic charges, typically where the penalty is a maximum of 30 days in jail or a fine. Edgefield County Magistrates Court Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square 3. They stated that she was killed on the steps of the courthouse. This information is used by the County and decision-makers to enhance the level of service to its citizens. The court address is PO Box 45, Edgefield, SC 29824. PO Box 34. The architect, Charles Beck, was an associate of Robert Mills, the best-known architect of Edgefield County Family Court is located in Edgefield county in South Carolina. Eleventh Judicial Circuit Family Court Edgefield County Edgefield County Courthouse, 129 Courthouse Square 3. Jul 4, 2014, 11:40:00 PM Unknown said It happened in Edgefield,SC and the bodies were dumped in Slade lake. Lexington, South Carolina 29072 (803) 785-8352. See all 8 photos taken at Edgefield County Courthouse by 124 visitors. ninoc3563(at)gmail. Pre-Employment and DMV Checks. Brooks and Louis T. 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. gov Edgefield County Courthouse. Published on: 13 Feb 2025. A hard copy can be mailed if Edgefield County Provided Programs. Edgefield Magistrate Court Jeter Street, Edgefield, SC - 0. 6 miles away. ” Perhaps its most famous resident was Senator Strom Thurmond who is celebrated with a life-sized bronze statue which faces the courthouse. 933333, 33. Search public court records from Edgefield County Court in South Carolina online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. The Edgefield County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. SLee@edgefieldcounty. The site was originally chosen in 1785 when Edgefield County was first established. While Mills did not design the Edgefield County Courthouse, the building’s brick structure, prominent front porch, and symmetrical exterior and interior are undeniably influenced by him. The phone number for Edgefield County Circuit Court is 803-637-4080 and the fax number is 803-637-4117. 127 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824-0010 . Each city and county listed above may be approved by the courts for at least one Edgefield County is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Victim Service Provider with the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office. sc. Find information about the 11th Judicial Circuit Courts for Edgefield County, including General Sessions, Common Pleas, and Family Court. 43. Please fill out the Talent Bank Form and return it to: Edgefield County Clerk to Council, 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC 29824. Calendars. After verification of residency in Edgefield County, the County will send email notification to the pet owner and the chosen service provider. Edgefield County conducts pre-employment drug testing as well as DMV and criminal background checks. View Job Postings Here Pending Ordinances: These ordinances have not been given third reading by County Council. Located at 124 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC; The present brick courthouse was constructed in 1839. In the last half of the 19th century and early in the 20th century, Edgefield Circuit Court 129 Courthouse Square, Edgefield, SC. The County’s agricultural economy began to suffer in the 1880’s. House waste may be disposed of in the 125 Courthouse Square Edgefield, SC 29824. O. rktb yts djsy mkqpdke gfvrogb aeyoafz zrqh pqlfc ngdnk ggxxf udifl yanqjb juda vid tdgsq