Waterloo software engineering admission average reddit. ir/hxnfb8/join-chico-memes-on-telegram.

i was on honor roll for csmc and ccc junior; 25% on euclid, ccc senior, didn't do pascal or fermat. and also, due to new requirements imposed from the math faculty, you need 100 on advanced functions and calculus (on midterm report) to recieve an admission to SE. I applied to 3 programs and got 3/3, Ez. Entry level is the first level: https://www. For info: https://uwaterloo. On the page the individual selection average for computer engineering requires a 90-94 for 45% of successful application. Generally for software engineering, you're looking around a high 80's to low 90's for acceptance, but if you've got lots of extra curricular's that will help for sure. My current average is 97. my average was around 95. When assessing applicants, the Engineering Admissions Committee considers grades, mandatory Admission Information Form (AIF) responses and online interview submissions (if provided). My grade 12 mid term average for first sem is looking to be a 98-99%. Admissions Megathread (Fall 2018 Incoming Students) Admissions. If, after first year, you see yourself doing software development after graduating, then consider switching out to either of those disciplines. The highest all g12 top 6 average I can Admissions. it also has to do with your adjusted average since Waterloo eng uses alumni from ur HS to basically calculate the level impanini. 15 Share. Only a 94. 8 UW side 2 years ago. Aif score ~ 3. What average would make you competitive for the Waterloo AFM program? At the moment I'm sitting at an 89 percent average with 4 U courses already done (English - 93, Accounting - 96, Law - 92 and Business Leadership - 90). However, you might find it easier to get into SYDE if, for example, you have a low 90's average but great EC's. Interview 2. GM primarily) in painting/environment sectors. The majority of your courses become more difficult and require a lot more time spent on studying to understand them. Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, English, one other Grade 12U course. Sep 10, 2016 路 You will probably need 95+ and a great AIF to get in. Industrial Engineering at UofT. I got in during the last round of acceptances in May 2009. Hello UW applicants, This thread is specifically for those who are applying/applied to UW to discuss different admission issues and ask current UW students for help and advice. The "individual selection from x" doesn't mean you need at least an x to get in; it means you need at least x to be considered. Job prospects probably across a lot of things, realistically a lot of chemical engineering graduates end up in the food and drink industry, (production & process) and things related to that. 93. My avg is like 97, and for ecs, i have 4-5 coding projects, 2 club execs, founder of 2 not-for-profits, tutoring and piano. But I applied according to the list of incoming averages and seeing which eng program had the lowest admission average. I would advise against applying for a program for the sake of it being 'easier to get U don't need a 99 average with god like EC to get into all eng, comp eng is going to be on the higher end, but i've talked with many people who got accepted into engs like management, civil, or environmental with sub 95 top 6. Mechanical Engineering student that just finished first year here. So far, the first semester was okay. • 3 days ago. I got accepted to uw software eng last week. Waterloo wants to see what kind of person you are. I got into waterloo mechanical engineering this year with a 97! got in with 95-96. Management Eng: 91% and 95%. the only factor to tell is adjustment factor. Does this give me a good chance at getting in and what is the recommended average? Step 6: Stay Connected. Is this score your top 5 course (English 12, Physics 12, Chemistry 12, Cal BC and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. CS last year had an admission average of around 93% so I imagine this year it was higher since they had a record number of applicants. 0% or above An application is not required. ago. At other schools like Ryerson and Guelph, you actually stand a very good chance at getting into them - even some of their top engineering. I think management engineering you should be fine. For CS/BBA the waterloo side is more competitive than the Laurier side (my friend with a 98. I recently graduated high school and got into Waterloo’s Biomedical Engineering program, but ended up choosing UofT’s Chemical Engineering program instead because of the commute, the price, scholarships, etc etc. TOP. If more people apply, the average will obviously go up, they’re never guaranteed to be anything specific year to year. I know it's very competitive, so here's my relevant background: My marks currently are: Advanced Functions: 90% English: 87% Chemistry: 96% Physics: 90% Biology: 80% I took grade 12 computer science last year, and I think I ended up with an 86% Waterloo's Engineering facility uses the adjustment factor to see which schools have low or high grade inflation. If you wish to apply to the Software Engineering program, please visit the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). Admission averages range from low 80s to mid-90s. I'm a first year Computer Science/Business Administration double-degree student, and I got accepted with a 90 average last year. Over the course of your degree, you’ll develop expertise in data analytics, information systems, operations and supply chain management, and organizational the averages are just estimates based on previous years. Just remember that, again, this is an incredibly rough estimate and carries close to zero actual statistical significance. Some other small things like volunteer computer lab maintenance and Food club. They only have so many spots so yeah, more people with higher averages will be getting spots instead of those with lower. Acceptance Megathread. I did this bc eng is always general in the first year wherever you go. i feel like don't have crazy avg or ecs tho. Oct 20, 2021 路 For our engineering programs, applicants are required to have an admission average of 85% with no grades lower than 70% in any of our required courses in their final year of high school. Satvikivtas12. Share. This. Please review the explanatory notes for additional insight into the various statistics and check out details on recent awards to faculty and staff. I have a projected average of 93 for engineering and 94 for the rest. Probably something like 99 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Guelphs program is pretty good, and the uni I have only 3 extra curriculars but I also have a part time job where I work 16 hours a week, so I hope that it is enough. It's crazy how much the acceptance averages have gone up -- my guess is enrolment numbers vs. I'm currently in grade 11, but have already started looking at schools. My accepted average for top 6 was 88 for admission in 2009 CS. What i got with a 98. Thanks! Western 88. My overall average is going to be about 90%, my lowest mark is going to be a 85% in English. Remind us in a few years if you are happy in Waterloo. It's so hard to get into, if they accept you then by definition, you are worthy. Mech Eng: 94%. Computer Science. 9. I've heard broad ranges for averages because AIF can have a pretty good impact on it. My grade 11 top 6 was 93% average, I just applied to Carelton for Comp sci and mech eng to see if I would get accepted as a backup plan for early admissions. Some information about me is I have a 99% grade 11 average, and a lot of sport related EC’s plus a few leadership positions plus a part time job. However, I would still expect a visa applicant with a low 90’s admission average to receive an admission offer to Nanotechnology Engineering. 5-94 average average adj factor and decent AIF and interview. Computer eng: 91%, 92%, 95% (decent EC), Mechatronics Eng: 95%. I understand the difference between the two programs, so I’m only asking advice based on my profile. 4, your average after will be 80. Waterloo CS Acceptance Averages 2021. AIF matters more than marks, I got in with 95. Start to have a plan B. Sort by: Add a Comment. Lots of kids from my highschool got into early rounds this year with averages ranging from 90s to 95s. 5-89 but could be higher depending on the rate at which grade inflation increases. They don’t really use cutoffs but a generic ‘minimum average’ to include those students. Admissions frequently asked questions (FAQ) Check out our frequently asked questions for information regarding English language requirements and early consideration. In this sense, grades qualify an applicant for admission. Both are under the same department (MME). Should you have additional questions Admission averages. Even though entrance averages are probably around mid 90s for many programs, there’s still many students who get in with relatively lower grades but an amazing AIF. A few strong first choice visa applicants can cause the visa spaces to fill quickly. With the rounds of acceptances that came out today/in the near future, this thread is specifically for those who got accepted to UW to discuss different issues and celebrate the hard work and efforts of those who have already been admitted to their desired programs. Admission to Waterloo Engineering is not guaranteed based on a specific average. Day you get into eng is the day the side project grind begins. with each coop term, you'll grow your skills and knowledge. Admissions. I'd guess at least some of the rejections that you see for high mark individuals are probably due to school history now - the average for our courses is in the 50s-60s, and these courses are taken by the same people who got 98s in high school. For Waterloo life sciences, you're basically guaranteed to be admitted with that mark. And we see that the entry level SE at Google gets about USD$133K in salary, USD$35K in stock grants per year, and USD$22K yearly bonus for total comp of USD $191K. This year is pretty hard, most of the cut-offs are 87-89 % for most Eng programs. Most of my friends had around a 96%-98% admission average however. I'm sure your current average of 96 is good enough ECE or frankly any other engineering field. Faculty of Environment Entrance Scholarships: All programs (excluding Sustainability and Financial Management) $1,000 for one year plus President’s Scholarship valued at $2,000: Early May admission average of 90. Questions about Engineering admissions? Before contacting us, we ask that you review the application process in detail. Question 1 will almost always be a personal question, where you’ll be asked to tell the admissions committee some information about you, like your skills, interests, goals for the future, experiences you’ve had, etc. When I go to r/uwaterloo they absolutely tear the program apart. • 3 yr. I had tons of extracurriculars however and a very solid reference for my AIF, plus is was Covid lol. I applied to both software engineering and computer science so I hope 90% is enough to get me in. Admission Chances. Difficult. Hi, Grade 11 student here. Waterloo: Depends on the program. I currently have a 76 in Advanced Functions. 3 got deferred) since you get the coop network of your home school. 9% An application is not required. available slots, but I could be wrong. You might get rejected if they found out you have a serious criminal record or are a threat to the school. Predicted average for midterms if I'm being realistic will be 94-95 but I'm worried this is on the lower half of the scale. While the visa applicant pool for Nanotechnology Engineering is very small, the number of visa spaces is also small. I'm hoping you Waterloo students can help me with my application to Software Engineering (for fall 2011). Expand All. Make sure its something you really want to do though; Civil Engineering can be very hit or miss for people as its definitely not the most "exciting" type, but I still really recommend it. Sep 1, 2023 路 Waterloo Engineering Interview – Question 1: Personal Questions. Also on a side note, Chem Eng is hardly about pure chemistry. this is probably the same for uoft. it's a lot harder to get a good coop job at uoft compared to waterloo cause waterloo has a lot more resources. Of course this all depends on your level on intelligence, which you . ca/engineering/future-undergraduate-students/application-process/admission-averages. Some of the easier ones such as civil eng can be possible, even at Waterloo and UofT, with low 90s. Sep 1, 2023 路 The number of applications to Waterloo Engineering averages over 13,000 applications per year: 4,000 applications from international students and 9,000 from Canadians. At some point the difference between somebody with a 95 average and a 99 average is small. Learn about Waterloo's admission requirements for high school students and transfer students. Being in IB, it was impossible for me to take the high school cs courses and I’m debating taking grade 11 cs (ICS 3U) this summer online for the credit even though I won't have the opportunity to Neither SYDE nor CE is more competitive than the other; the entrance average in both hovers around 94~95% before adjustments (purely anecdotal). 6 (plus your score from your AIF). This class profile can be a bit long showing various unique insights into our class. Hi everyone, I’m a G12 applying to unis this year. An additional purpose would be to get a rough idea of Automotive jobs (Toyota. Which programs do I have a chance of getting in? Double Degree: Management & Finance (BBA) and Statistics – Quantitative Finance (BSc) (coop) at UTSC. Civil has a very wide scope of work so you can get co-ops ranging from muddy field work, to oil platforms/mine camps, to a nice office job on the 15th floor. After a year you can absolutely master programming anyways, so it won't really matter. March 30th - April 1st, somewhere there. I have a 91 avg and good ec and I think I did okay on the video interview. levels. Wild-Knowledge1192. First year software engineering is less programming than you think, and that's where your skills count. Admissions has already decided you are worthy. i think they have pey A lot of my CE friends regret not switching to software engineering or computer science because they hated doing Calculus and EE courses. It really depends on what program and what school as these vary so widely. Is how I rank CS and SE going to greatly affect my admission chances? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Detailed statistics regarding our student, faculty, staff, and alumni for 2023. I missed the admission deadline, should I apply for Winter or apply to another university and transfer next Fall? What does "Status: Matriculation" mean in context of admissions into a program? Math Admissions. 5/5. Waterloo Math & Geomatics Deferral FAQ; Comprehensive post on Math Admissions; Engineering Admissions. Admissions average - Based on individual selection. Two friends got into loo with high 80's but that was luck my friend, so just be mindful UofT: Eng Sci ; 96+ Track One, ECE ; 94+ Core 8 ; 90+ Trust my UofT was hella pick this year. Software Eng: 96%. I got into Waterloo mechatronics engineering and accepted my offer on OUAC. Times sure have changed. Accepted , rejected , waitlisted 馃懅馃徔. In Canada's first and only Management Engineering program, you'll learn to analyze how organizations operate and make decisions, and apply engineering skills to increase their efficiency. fyi/?compare=Google,Facebook,Microsoft&track=Software%20Engineer. 5. just wondering how waterloo uses the top 6 grades for our averages. Please also make sure that you read the admission wiki before you post any questions/comments. Admission average may impact your chances for the two programs, but it means nothing for the quality of the programs. Dec 13, 2021 路 Entry level is the first level: https://www. Early May admission average of 95. Other programs I considered: UBC Eng Mac Eng Mac CS I ended up choosing UW CE mainly because of the co-op and cause of people i personally know that went there. Assuming you're a normal student, you have nothing to worry about. The concise version offers a more summarised version with a few graphs omitted. A community for grade 12s in Ontario to discuss things about university admissions, OSAP, OUAC/OCAS uploads, and general program queries. I go to a semestered school, so we only have 4 of the final marks for our courses in February, and the other 4 come in late June, and last offers come out in May (if I am not mistaken), so they cannot use sem 2 final marks. I’m deciding between applying to Waterloo software or computer engineering. I honestly don't think I will be happy anywhere else. The acceptance rate for CS is lower, but it usually is easier to get into, as the average CS applicant tends to have lower stats than the average SE applicant (admission averages for the latter tend to be higher, and you are enrolled into both faculties simultaneously so you can switch into CS easily while it's almost impossible the other way around). 5. I do realize this is another one of those annoying posts but I was wondering what peoples averages and ECs were who got admitted into CS at Waterloo last year. After considering prereqs Waterloo applies whatever courses give you the highest admission average. I did the coding and math competitions from waterloo as well and didn't do amazing but still did fine. also from the engineering faculty, they now take off up to 5% for asking on r/uwaterloo due to their new initiative of checking your online presence. Women make up 21% of respondents and students in the class, which is less than the percent of women in tech ( 25% ). Management Engineering at Waterloo. I like mechanical, electrical and software/computer science, I also checked the Stats: Average was around 97, average adjustment factor. Regular/Co-op. 2% average. waterloo's coop system is much stronger and you get a wide range of experiences. I received Honor Computer Engineering offer on March 26th, 2021 from Waterloo. 86 average, high for my time. I’m beginning grade 12 in the fall and plan on applying to Waterloo for cs and se. Try to have a 92 to 95 average for everything but Software and Biomedical. In fact, last year, the Software Engineering 2026 cohort set a University record for low marks. For those try for a 94 to 96 avg. I had a 96 average with the courses I used to apply and did different extra curricular sports plus first robotics. I have a 90-ish average in grade 12 so far for midterm. if you have decent extracurriculars i wouldn’t be surprised if you got in. You will also need to submit an Admission Information Form, which will help us better understand you, your capabilities I had like a 95 ish average with extra curriculars ( jobs, sports teams) and a pretty good AIF and got in last year. Minimum requirements: 6 Grade 12 U or M courses, including all required courses. You will probably need 95+ and a great AIF to get in. 6, calculated with a mix of g11 & 12 courses. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Question for 2020 software engineering admission. I really want to apply to computer engineering program for Waterloo but I have a question upon the admission average requirement. 0% to 94. Low to Mid 90s. ECs are about quality, not quantity. For example, if you have a 93 average and your school's adjustment factor is 12. Waterloo engineering beats Mac. Demographic and Background. It is rather about physics (thermodynamics to be specific) and math (solving dat 2nd order non homogenous differential equation) and programming (Matlab). Reply reply. Engineering programs; Stream 4 Faculty of Engineering Statistics | Engineering | University of Waterloo. You may think you have a 99 average, but Waterloo will adjust it based on an algorithm they use. Highly recommend you look at the undergraduate calendar for both programs and dig into the courses each provide. Hey everyone, I’m in high school trying to get into waterloo civil engineering for next year and I’m kinda worried about the admission avg. I'd estimate ~95% entrance average for both programs this year, and around 10% of applicants accepted. Looking at the data, applications to science and engineering programs have grown an annual average of 7%. Required courses are Grade 12 U unless otherwise specified. For example if you have a 95 in religion and a 93 in another elective they would consider the religion mark over the other elective. wtf is nutrition and health. Chances for Waterloo Management Engineering. Admission averages. if you're doing chem eng just because you like chem don't do it because its not really super super chemistry intensive. In the future I want to work at maybe Tesla, SpaceX or NASA as I love electric and autonomous vehicles as well as aerospace. I got in with a 94% on waterloo side in 2021. you have a 95 average which yields a 66% chance of admission into comp eng at waterloo assuming that you have the normal adjustment factor. Best of luck. When you apply, select Engineering at the University of Waterloo with the appropriate program code. Just work on making Grade 12 your best year yet and you could get lucky. Aif was nothing special, in a couple of clubs, but nothing all that notable. if coop is your priority, go with waterloo. Double degree cs and business required a 88 if I recall correctly and wasn’t hot shit, hardest programs to get into in Waterloo were nanotechnology engineering, software engineering and math/cpa, all required near 95 or 95 to get into. Be prepared to put in a lot of effort into your courses and get sub-par grades. I was accepted to computer engineering yesterday, not sure if any decisions have come out for software yet though. Waterloo Engineering is somewhat holistic. ve yk vc my gx cd dg kl pt om