Home assistant template examples. I want this to be seamless and automatic, as this is the real archilles heel of the system. attributes. , ring, zwave, etc. You can create a template binary sensor in yaml to create very advanced template sensors. template: # Define state-based template entities. e. If the template returns any other value, the device will be unavailable. A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or Note that no Home Assistant state is available to the template, only the camera dict from Frigate. Home Assistant dashboards allow you to display information about your smart home. Jul 9, 2021 · You can’t use templates in the payload_on option. One way to organize packages is to create a folder named “packages” in your Home Assistant configuration directory. The difference between the newest and the oldest measurement is divided by the number of in-between measurements (n-1). Valid output values from the template are open, opening, closing and closed which are directly mapped to the corresponding states. Although in this particular test case the results are same, I wonder is it correct to use the “ this ” variable. The order of operations on template sensors (without triggers) is: availability; state; everything else May 14, 2017 · RitteT (RitteT) May 14, 2017, 12:50pm 1. I don’t want to explicitly to refer to the devices. The variable this is the state object of the automation at the moment of triggering the actions. Nov 1, 2018 · Feature Requests. I have been trying to get the markdown card working most of the day but after trying adjusting everything I can think of and searching all through the forum posts it seems nothing will give me the clues I need to get this working. Edit: For header use a vertical stack card, with fixed picture in first position and conditional card in second position. In addition, true is valid as a synonym to open and false as a synonym to closed. set_value. Go to "Settings". Apr 2, 2020 · For anyone who wants to do the same, here’s my Lovelace card with card-mod to hide the Code input and keyboard. I have a monoprice door sensor that reports a value of 23 as open and 22 as closed. Click on "Add-ons". Features 🛠 Editor for all cards and and all options (no need to edit yaml but you can!) 😍 Icon picker 🖌 Color picker 🚀 0 dependencies : no need to install another card. This series aims to help teach you about the basic configuration and functionality of Home Assistant. Home Assistant will convert the result to a string and will pass it to the MQTT publish service. platform: template. I know that there is plenty of documentation about templates in the Official HomeAssistant Docs, but I wanted to share user-created templates for anybody else to use which are “easy Templates and Custom Sensors are a more advanced feature in Home Assistant. It seems to be prone to artifacting when compressed) Or how about changing what happens when you Aug 5, 2023 · Home Assistant creates a root directory structure, where the main configuration file configuration. Using “ sensor. There are a number of systems which break up a single system into multiple entities (e. All of the user defined configuration is read from this file. in the first example above you have: template: - sensor: . ’s state and attribute in templates and actions. If you don’t do that it is unaware you changed anything and will continue to use the previous version. I’ve made a template and put the following: ##test binary sensor - platform: template sensors: sensor name: friendly_name: "Entry Garage Door Sensor" value_template: "{% if From a Home Assistant development environment, type the following and follow the instructions: python3 -m script. Avoid the use of or other new line indicators in YAML configuration when possible. Switch with templated value. It doesn’t look as nice when using a device_tracker with picture and home/away-label. Dec 19, 2023 · You are trying to put the legacy template sensor config into the “template:” domain key. JUPPPO (THOMAS) May 23, 2023, 10:36am 13. scaffold integration. Let’s take for example de configuration for the ‘weather_hot’ sensor from the example above. From the documentation for MQTT Switch: payload_on string (optional, default: ON). ceiling_lights - light. yaml file is located in the main configuration directory along with all other necessary configuration files. I would like this post to be all about pictures with codes, nothing else! So if you have something to share or offer, please do it with pictures and code. theme: default. 4. style: |. yaml to take effect you need to restart HA. To be complete, an outline of configuration would be. This should get rid of errors at startup of hass. The example below shows how to publish a temperature sensor ‘Bathroom Jan 3, 2020 · I want to give a shout-out to Thomas for this excellent custom integration. they use “state” instead. This is a great place to play around with basic syntax, making sure you're getting real sensor values (that you expect), and so forth. When in heater mode, if the measured temperature is cooler than the target temperature, the heater will be turned on and turned off when the required temperature is Apr 1, 2022 · This is an improved version of the alerter template in my prior post, plus a delayed flashing color change and a secondary entity to toggle and show state of both the sensor and the secondary entity. In the past, the forecast was an attribute of the weather entity, but this attribute will disappear in the future. The generic_thermostat climate integration. The rest sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. # Example configuration. name: Pressure. I have a lot of Jinja2 experience, so I thought I would share some with the community to use as a cookbook of sorts. test_this_template ” - using the previous sensor’s state. (2) I would Aug 15, 2023 · However it seems there is a ‘new’ notation for templates and somehow I have the feeling this is the recommended way. value_json is just a standard name given to any JSON object ingested by Home Assistant. Modern template sensors don’t use “value_template”. #keypad, #alarmCode {. Dashboards are customizable and provide a powerful way to manage your home from your mobile or desktop. entity_id: alarm_control_panel. Awesome Home Assistant is a curated list of awesome Home Assistant resources. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. Go to https://jsonpathfinder. First, execute Configuration > Server Controls > Check Configuration. hours_to_show: 24. Sep 23, 2019 · Good evening to the community. Reload to refresh your session. It’s important to be clear on what you are asking for. 4 Relay ESP32. State objects also contain context data which can be used to identify the user that caused a script. Just if you did not know that. Jan 25, 2024 · A template is a specific integration which is special in that it defines sensors, binary_sensors, … in a specific way, and that is what I outlined above. Instead, make use of the literal style (preserves new lines) and folded style (does not preserve new lines) strings. - service: climate. Sure should be possible by “replacing > 1234” (the number after >) with “NOT ‘unknown’”. detail: 2. state is always the previous state, unless you’re in the attribute templates. elevation }}" Alarm Broadcast. entity: sensor. body_on and body_off can also depend on the state of the system. This means “Work (Office)”, “School” and even “Home” all work as expected but “Away” doesn’t. 0 of config-template-card change_sample: The average change per sample. Feb 25, 2019 · All you would need to do is use the same template you are using in the service_template, but change the results. Apr 25, 2020 · Points 2 and 3 are correct, but you don’t need to define the entities in the template sensor config. Thekholm (Thekholm) November 5, 2022, 9:48am 1. sequence: - service: input_number. The conditional card displays another card based on conditions. home_alarm_panel. unit_of_measurement: 'degrees'. Jul 25, 2022 · In addition to Jordan’s change, your return values need to be strings… you can do this as I have below by removing the {{ }} or you could use " "inside the expressions i. Instead it’s a plugin which changes the way all other cards work How about this? type: entities style: | ha-card { color: red; } entities: - light. entity_id: climate. states: - arm_home. If the integration is listed, select it to reload the settings. The same applies to avoiding long, single line, strings. The post describes using the "decluttering-card" to simplify creating & managing graphs based on the "mini-graph-card" & stock "history-graph". I wanted Jul 28, 2021 · All you need to do is create an MQTT Sensor. Dec 7, 2017 · Please help me with Aqara Temperature Sensor and pressure value from it. Here’s the first. Nov 18, 2019 · I also have an input binary to act as a ‘boost button’ - sets value to evening setting for 1 hour (unless another change happens) ## resets temperature following any pattern change. Welcome to part 4 of the Getting Started with Home Assistant series – Automations and Templates. It is a Python program that powers every installation type, but can Jun 8, 2020 · Hi everyone, I’m using the very nice App ControllerX (ControllerX. Template variables. Using the variables in the script requires the use of templates: # Example configuration. entity: alarm_control_panel. I don’t think I’ve ever used something that wasn’t implemented. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. In the video we are going to build these use cases: Create a customized motion sensor message. Building block integration. Feb 26, 2023 · Template. There is also an id feature for states that makes it possible for the templates to merge state configs correctly (even if the values aren’t the same!) The template integrations creates alarm control panels that combine integrations or adds preprocessing logic to actions. This text-to-speech (tts) is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations. hallway. All of my template sensors update without explicitly defining the source entities in the config. state: triggered. Brand new entity information dialogs for covers, fans, and alarms. Yeah, I’ve poked at some of the HA docs but didn’t realize there was a wider general “how to write this stuff”. yaml is located. With Templates and Custom Sensors you can format and convert data so that it look value_template template (Optional) Defines a template to get the state of the cover. Nov 24, 2018 · All single line templates require quotes. Show a different icon based on the motion sensor state. g. that is the modern format template sensor syntax. RESTful Sensor and RESTful Binary Sensor can also be set up as platforms if there is only a single sensor per endpoint. [?(@. I recommend to try it with one simple template sensor – comment it out in the old place, then paste it in the new place, with the new syntax in mind. sun. yaml and garage. Jan 19, 2022 · More template fun from me today, I see historically you could use value templates when creating a template sensor, but I can’t see anything like that in the documentation for the modern templates, Basically I am trying to take the value from a sensor and pass it on, unless it’s ‘unavailable’ in which case replace it with N/A or Off. You can customize your dashboard using various options: Different card types to visualize your data and control your smart home devices. If the template returns true, the device is available. I would like to request for the ability to create custom attributes for template sensor or binary sensor. ESPHome. I am sure it is a very small and stupid mistake but have not managed to figure it out. I’m trying to use this configuration with convertation of the value from hPa to mmHg using value_template: type: sensor. availability_template: template: Defines a template to get the available state of the component. entity_id: sensor. sequence: - repeat: while: - condition: state. So I setup an IR-sender with esphome but problem ControllerX expects a media_player Jul 26, 2022 · Yes it is a handy reference. While my alarm is triggered this script is going to call my broadcast all script with some text to speech to repeat a message every 10 seconds. I struggle with nesting the value_template in the 1. Oct 8, 2019 · So I created a history_stats sensor which appears to be working for all my states except “Away”. Jun 8, 2019 · This is not a custom card. Click "add-on store" in the bottom right corner. May 9, 2022 · Here the attribute’s value is defined based on the sensor’s state. yaml. to execute. E. get_forecast to retrieve the forecast for the next couple of hours. This new version is better and simpler than my previous. 2. 110. home-assistant Defines a template for the entity picture of the sensor. Mar 27, 2019 · Basically, leave that sensor alone (without icon_template) and use it as a source of states for another one that only change its icon. or Home Assistant Supervised Home Assistant Supervised is the full Home Assistant ecosystem, without the Home Assistant Operating System. The action Actions are used in several places in Home Assistant. More extensive examples of integrations are available from our example repository. You are presented with a list of integrations, such as Automations or Conversation. js → Set Resource type as JavaScript Module. <data point>. For example, to retrieve the dewpoint: value_template: '{{ value_json. yaml”, in a section that starts with. Mushroom topic are now over 8000 post! It`s really hard to get inspiration or code to use with your own dashboard. It uses live data and doesn't require any configuration reloads or reboots. sensors: # this one gives us states. binary_sensor: - platform: template. Go to Developer Tools > YAML and scroll down to the YAML configuration reloading section (alternatively, hit “c” anywhere in the UI and search for “reload”). Or this? (Please click this gif to open it. This could also be defined in the new way as: template: - unique_id: 490d20e7-29ae-49da-86e9-dc3f410cb300. Rather than use grid_gap you could change the grid-template-columns property to use percentages rather than fractions and change the grid-template-areas to have a blank section, you shouldn’t need to use the aspect_ratio as the card Jun 7, 2022 · templates. Thoe downside is thwt the icon for the binary_sensor is generic on/off. One state, can be many values. away_mode: >. graph: line. Oct 23, 2020 · For example, the off’ state is pretty consistent across all 3 of your templates, so if you wanted to you could make a base template with that config that the other 3 use as a template. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the Edit dashboard dialog appears. . The correct JSON path will appear at the top of the right hand pane. data_template: #< change this to data_template to allow templates in fields. I should not have to update the template sensor if I add a new device. etagenname=="OG To use the field data, use them as templates using the Field key name when they were added, as shown in the example below. Show a different icon color based on the motion sensor state. The difference between the newest and the oldest measurement is divided by seconds between them. set is because it will store just 1 or 2 persons into the group. It looks like a gray piece of paper with the < > brackets in it and a dog-eared corner. If both a value_template and a position_template The Template Testing Grounds. Full example, replace entities names: type: custom:layout-card. This is potentially useful when Frigate is behind a reverse proxy, and/or when the default stream port is otherwise not accessible to Home Assistant (e. Feb 4, 2022 · Hi! 👋 I would like to present you a project I’ve been working for several weeks: 🍄 Mushroom It’s collection of cards to help you to build a lovelace dashboard. com Paste your JSON string into the left hand pane. firewall rules). state will be current. DewPoint}}' Aug 30, 2022 · I’m reading that the format of a binary sensor template has changed and am having trouble getting my template to not have errors in it. 0x00158d000349c2f9_pressure. Multi-line strings. Here’s my config around the previously mentioned sensors: - platform: history_stats. example shows how to raise a custom event called event_light_state_changed with entity_id as the event data. For example the value for JSON Path $. The location differs depending on the Oct 10, 2019 · Oct 10, 2019 • 20 min read. change Mar 20, 2022 · Both value are picked up and displayed currently but the value of the template never changes when I set the TRV temperature lower or higher than the current temperature. js file into your config/www folder. Initially I tried to setup my own arrangement but when that kept failing I just tried to setup exactly as per the example (except for The following automation Automations in Home Assistant allow you to automatically respond to things that happen in and around your home. Oct 11, 2019 · Sensor is sensor. Jan 24, 2022 · Hi, I would appreciate help with configuring a REST full sensor to extract multiple sensors from one REST call using templates. This repository contains a collection of examples how to customize Home Assistant. By editing the dashboard, you are taking over control of this dashboard. hahm Jun 15, 2018 · You are subtracting 2 datetime objects, that doesn’t work. sc_heat_reset_value: alias: Heating Reset Value. Actually, you can, and the result is a timedelta object, which has a total_seconds() method that can be used. Door Sensor used with ESPHome Relay. This is an example of a battery binary sensor that evaluates the levels of all member battery entities and represent a group state for them, plus some statistics as attributes. State-based template entities have the special template variable this available in their templates. yaml entry script : notify_pushover : description : " Send a pushover notification" fields : title : description : " The title of the Dec 6, 2021 · Just two things to notice. This will set you up with everything that you need to build an integration that is able to be set up via the user interface. data_template: Aug 2, 2019 · Can you guys help me with another sensor with a similar situation, Y get the following JSON via REST command and I can’t get the templating to work, the thing is that the JSON Is longer than the one I paste here, and I am currently selecting the value with the number it appears on the list as you can see in the template, the problem is that this JSON sometimes the value I want is the 5th You signed in with another tab or window. Intro: While developing my HA setup very very soon a number of graphs in my system became about 10…20 - and it was just a beginning. {{"Start"}}. Create a custom light counter sensor. petro (Petro) April 1, 2021, 4:56pm 4. Apr 2, 2016 · I’m working on building some templates for my use. sensor: - name: Kitchen_timer value_template: > {% if Jul 20, 2020 · The wait_template is because when you open the front door it will proceed the automation. For example: - platform: template. PickOne: Create a packages folder. Note that this will not change while executing the actions. Your template is returning an int so it should work. For example, if you want to expose Jan 9, 2023 · Thanks @Kanecaine,. The this variable aids self-referencing of an entity An entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Aug 31, 2021 · first line change type to custom:layor-card and add layout type. name: Chris Time Home. If specified, will be used for both comparing to the value in the state_topic (see value_template and state_on for details) and sending as on command to the command_topic. : Jul 12, 2019 · For example, in the first example you provided, you used string values for payload_on and payload_off: payload_on: "99" payload_off: "0" So all of my examples use string values. I try to make use of the newly introduced availability_template. Open the Home Assistant frontend. type: alarm-panel. The template looks correct and should work. At that point, this. After you have modified the configuration file, you have to instruct Home Assistant to reload the file. # Good. 🌈 Based on Material UI colors 🌓 Light Aug 18, 2023 · Template helpers are limited to defining the state template only. The configuration. bed_light - light. yaml entry with two sections. You can find a list of all changes made here: Full changelog for Home Assistant Core 2023. My only concern is the fact that your equation can produce a result higher than 255. DHT11. Jan 30, 2019 · The templates are included in the file “configuration. state_topic: whatever/433mhz/gadget. sensors: weather_temperature: friendly_name: "Weather Temperature". Apr 17, 2022 · The video tutorial explains in detail how Templates and Custom Sensors work in Home Assistant. Brightness only allows values from 0 to 255. Now comes the fun part, time to open the Home Assistant UI and install and run your add-on. layout_type: grid. I can extract any value, e. Bring full functionality to light and media player controllers) to control the volume of the current playing media player. The sensor has support for GET and POST requests. contact_8895854. sensors: solar_angle: friendly_name: "Sun angle". I’m using a binary_sensor to detect if I’m home or not. kitchen_lights Not a custom: in sight. This entry in your configuration. <component>. The format of the value_template is value_json. When I started my HomeAssistant Journey the word “template (s)” was interresting and mysterious for me and only later I found out the power of it. In this example, the REST endpoint returns this JSON response with true indicating the switch is on. - arm_away. An excellent way to test! Feb 8, 2021 · Hopefully, the Home Assistant definitions will make a little more sense now. Text-to-speech (TTS) enables Home Assistant to speak to you. Apr 5, 2023 · All changes. type: custom:layout-card. sensor: - platform: mqtt. And you are also mixing up the syntax. The template platform creates locks that combines components. The there is a delay (you can remove that one if you want) it wait 1 minute before it will announce on Alexa. yaml will load all YAML-files in this packages folder and its subfolders: Jun 2, 2018 · Hey all, I am about 85% finished doing a project - getting HASS to control the Synology AudioStation - trying to keep a complicated task simple - but it has all come unstuck with regards to selecting the remote players available. set_away_mode. The last else in your if section will also catch everything besides a temperature, such as unavailable, errors and so on, which means you might end up heating up the house in the sommer. However struggle to figure out how I can access any attribute of the second element of the array. May 30, 2022 · Hi I’m writing this in case someone is looking for a way to create a template sensor where at least one set of multiple conditions need to be true in order to return an ON state (or whichever state is needed) YAML is a new language for me and there are lots of examples of using variables or if…elif etc, but I couldn’t find anything using a logical AND or a logical OR in templates This card is for Lovelace on Home Assistant that allows you to use pretty much any valid Javascript on the hass object in your configuration Minimum Home Assistant Version Home Assistant version 0. Examples Control vacuum with Harmony Hub Mar 5, 2022 · Put mushroom. You can read the templating page of Home Assistant here: Home Assistant The this variable aids self-referencing of an entity An entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. If you are looking for more than one state, then you have two options: Feb 6, 2022 · As you copy your - platform: template entries, remove the friendly_name properties, and change value: and/or value_template: to state: so they fit the new format of templates. Add reference to mushroom. Additional software, tutorials, custom integration, add-ons, custom dashboard cards & plugins, cookbooks, example setups, and much more. There are several powerful ways to use this integration, including grouping existing integrations into a simpler integrations, or adding logic that Home Assistant will execute when accessed. sensors: moon_phases: friendly_name: 'Fases de la luna'. {% set current = state_attr('climate. or automation. Nov 5, 2022 · Dashboards & Frontend. There’s two way to do that: Using UI: Configuration → Lovelace Dashboards → Resources Tab → Click Plus button → Set Url as /local/mushroom. . , you can use editor add-ons, for example, but not if you use Home Assistant Core Home Assistant Core is the heart of Home Assistant itself. and then follow the different templates. This part follows on from part 3, although it assumes you have now added some more devices/entities to Home Assistant. value_template: "{{ states. To add the conditional card to your user interface: In the top right of the screen, select the pencil icon. The visual example at the top is a snip right off my personal dashboard. You’d also have to make sure it’s in the correct field. Oct 27, 2021 · Configuration. ). If your sensor has a value between 0 and 10, it will break the brightness Feb 13, 2021 · 123 (Taras) February 13, 2021, 8:27pm 8. However, in your latest example, the one you claim that works, (which is almost identical to the one that I proposed) it uses integer values: RESTful. That takes you to the page called Templates. entity_id: - input_boolean. name: Outdoor Temperature. I feel as though your questions would be far better suited to this topic on button-card however seem as you’re here you could try this:. In the right hand pane, click on the key you want (for example, IP). Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This works pretty well and much better than the regular device_tracker components. Example: - platform: template. name: Home Alarm. Similar to locks, the Garage door is mostly automated to open / close based on location and after a set amount of time. Apr 16, 2021 · Annotation: The topic is dedicated to people who like the "mini-graph-card" and is going to keep using it. The docs say “This can be used if the automatic analysis fails to find all relevant entities. It will appear as a JSON object in the right hand pane. This example shows a switch that uses a template to allow Home Assistant to determine its state. For example, Home Assistant introduced a new service weather. “Onion” approach. Examples can be found in location. Set its value_template to extract the value of the temperature_F key from the received payload but only if the channel key’s value is 6 (otherwise make it report its current value). contact_1st_floor_safe: friendly_name: safe. Now, in one of your browser tabs, go to the Developer Tools area in Home Assistant and click on the fourth icon from the left. I want to trigger when the actual time - the time when a sensor changed it is higher than 3600 seconds and less than 600 seconds. - platform: template. Mar 27, 2023 · The Home Assistant Developer Tools interface has a very convenient "Template" tab. Themes (even at a per Oct 4, 2021 · I would like to use templates for two use cases: (1) I would like to have a single battery sensor which state shows the lowest battery value of any battery operated device in Home Assistant. Home Assistant will force you in to the YAML editor and will treat your definition as a template. Here’s an example of what I would need based on my weather component: sensor: - platform: template. ”. For example, if you have a garage door with a toggle switch that operates the motor and a sensor that allows you know whether the door is open or closed, you can combine these into a lock that knows whether the garage door is open or closed. 0 or higher is required as of release 1. change_second: The average change per second. Also I think Home Assistant has some extras like |is_number, these are in the HA template documentation. Apr 1, 2021 · PickOne April 1, 2021, 4:55pm 3. Create your own reusable Jinja2 template macros. is a thermostat implemented in Home Assistant. You signed out in another tab or window. But a problem one of my media players (an old Harman Kardon) doesn’t have any way to control it but with IR-remote. Home Assistant can be extended in many different ways. Step 2: Installing and testing your add-on. js in Lovelace. Make sure you escape the template blocks as like in the example below. A sensor has exactly one state: for example, a temperature sensor has the temperature as its state. Dec 19, 2017 · Templating in Home Assistant is powered by Jinja2 templating engine. It uses a sensor and a switch connected to a heater or air conditioning under the hood. moon. The payload that represents on state. Jan 21, 2019 · You’ll want to confirm the entity_id of your weather component and that the temperature attribute is named temperature. Using “ this ” - using the current sensor’s state. This repository is organized like your config directory, copying any file to your config directory in the same path as it is in this repo will allow you to use it. RTSP URL Template Examples Use a different port number: Oct 11, 2023 · this. Is it possible to iterate through all battery operated devices, e. temperatur from the first element of the array with below configuration. tv_channel. The part of group. As part of a script or automation Restart Home Assistant; In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Custom Template Sensor" Using your HA configuration directory (folder) as a starting point you should now also have this: Sep 17, 2023 · Using the Weather Forecast service in a Template in Home Assistant. In the packages directory, you can store any number of packages in a YAML file. home_alarm. My goal is to achieve this example below (from https://www. Of course, there is a lot more in this release. New tile card features for alarms & fans. This is a template that prints the name of all device_trackers that are marked at home and not_home with proper human string formatting. In order for your configuration. The sample from my post, it is not real, but if I will do that, I can do the real automation as well. More detailed information on the ESPhome configuration can be found in here. uw ao ee lm wu pz zn mn hr fo